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Hi there! After months of trying to enable the VGA Port of the HD4000 without editing the FrameBufferCapri (Which didn't worked for me) i finally figured out.



1. What do we need?
  • A Mavericks USB installer
  • 1GB+ pendrive

2. Preparation


In the 1GB+ pendrive install clover. I installed it with Bootdisk Utility in Windows. Which installed me Clover r2082. So this version will work for sure, i didn't test another version.


3. Installation


Now reboot, and put ONLY the Mavericks installer pendrive and boot from it. Then, install mavericks. I booted without bootflags, but if you can't, try with "GraphicsEnabler=No -x"


4. First Boot


When the installation finish, put both pendrives, and make sure that now you're booting from the 1GB+ pendrive where you have clover. In the clover screen, press 'O' (Letter O (stands for Option), not the number 0 ), and then go to 'Graphcis Option' and enable 'Inject EDID' and enable 'Inject Intel' (Inject intel should be enabled, but make sure that it is)


5. Perfect first boot


If everything went ok, now you should be setting up your osx installation, and also you will be using native resolution. And for our surprise, after finishing the setup, QE/CI should be enabled too.


6. Installing clover


Now everything it's great, but, clover it's not installed yet on the HDD, it's still on the pendrive. So, if you unplug your pendrive, you cannot boot osx anymore. So, now, download Clover_v2k_r2082.zip. I used this version and it worked. I don't know if other versions work. Then, you also have to download and install Clover Configurator Setup


7. Clover Configurator


Now this is up to you. You only have to enable Inject EDID and Inject Intel. But if you want, i attach my config.plist for you.


8. Enjoy


Now you should be fine for reboot without the pendrives and boot directly from the HDD with your HD4000 VGA port working.


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  • 1 year later...

Came across this old post.

Thx for the InjectEDID tip.


It worked for me on my GA-Z77X-UP5-TH motherboard.

I can see the BIOS POST, Clover boot screen and then the MAc OS. Great.

The only (major) problem is that the screen in black when waking from sleep.


Anyone else notice this ?

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