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If you dont want to spend one week of your life with setting up, listen to these warnings.



ModPC is very good for 10.6.4 retail dvd.



Remove excess memory from your pc before install.


Only use one stick located at the lowest slot 0 (try changing slots).




That should pass it.





Your Cd rom must be in first SATA slot and HDD in second.


Do not use 3rd and 4th or other slots. That should pass preinstall panic.



Do not use ATI 5770 (Detected as X3000 and goes to panic).




Don't forget to disable any excess devices before install from bios. Remove everything from USB ports except keyboard and mouse (also if using usb install leave it there).




That was the key to my partial success. If only I could find a way to activate my ALC888 HD and activate trim that would be a full success. Trying many things and kext files I couldn't able to activate them.

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