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OSX wont boot after update...


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I have OS X 10.4.7 installed on an Intel P4 x86 machine. Has been working fine for a while, and earlier I installed the 10.4.8 update.

Now when I start the OS, it fails. If I use '-v' it just eventually fails saying 'failed on several items' or something like that.


I'm wondering if there's any way to revert to a previous configuration? Removing the update somehow? Or should I just reinstall... :censored2:


Thanks in advance for any help...


Maybe I'll wait for 10.4.8 ...

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Which 10.4.8 update did you install?


If you installed the one from Apple either through Software Update or downloading it from Apple, then you can call yourself an idiot and reinstall your OS. You spent all this effort to install a specially patched version of OSX and then go and install an unpatched update! Never, ever install an unpatched system update on a Hackintosh!


If you installed the patched 10.4.8 update by downloading it from one of the "usual" sites, then many people are having problems with it and you should read this thread: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=28909

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Yep, I'm an idiot... didnt check first, downloaded the Apple update and have successfully screwed my OS... so yes, I'll reinstall! LoL.


Might try the server install this time...oh, well... teach me to read up before installing!



Anyway, thanks!

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what do you mean"try the server install"?

Never use Apple official released system update to update your your osx86!! You may use their software update like Quicktime update or iTunes update, but for system update like 10.4.8, Never!!! you should wait sometime to let Jas or others to come up with some cracked update package and then use it instead! All of this is because we are using some kind of illegal system that not officially supported by Apple!!! This is a homebrew world!! Take notes of this all the time!!!

As mentioned in the thread reffered by Rammjet up there, there is already a cracked update up there by Kiko, you can find it in piratebay, just search kiko, it is the first entry! but it is very problematic right now!! so maybe you would like to wait for a while for a better crack!


and for Rammjet, i dont think it is good to just call others idiot or suggest others to call themselves idiots! No one is born to know everything!

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