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Every 2 months or so, he contacts me through Skype, because he has some Mac laying around that need to be fixed.

We speak on a regular base, almost daily, but he never informs me. 

He starts a convo: Ow, i promissed to fix this mac. 


He knows nothing about Macs, neither do i, not the real thing at least. 

So he promises he will fix it, and calls me on Skype, like i know the answer. 

I fix it every time, mostly 5 a 10 min of work, upgrade etc. 


But this time, i was sick of it, so i branded the Mac with Lejenk in SP. My friend get's paid for the work i do. A pop-up shows up everytime they start their system, with some of my info. They could not possibly know how to remove this.


**shole, or serves them right? 



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