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Disclaimer: This is a WIP post, nothing is guaranteed to work!


Hi all, I'm a longtime M11x R1 owner and the writer of guides on M11x R1 installing SL and Lion. I do not claim that I came up with any of these solutions all by myself; only that I gather information from myself and others, and write concise instructions on making it work for people to understand.

And here's another one.


warning: these instructions assume a fresh harddrive (optionally, with desired partitions made)

warning: these instructions assume an external DVD drive and a USB mouse

warning: these instructions assume a DW1510 wifi card has already been installed to replace the stock DW1520


1) Acquire Niresh's OS X 10.8.2 and burn it onto a DVD
If you're using OSX, you can burn it with Disk Utility
If you're using WIN, you can burn it using TransMac (Trial)


2) Plug in your USB mouse to the left-side usb port.

Plug in your external DVD drive to the right-side usb port that's further away from you.

Insert Niresh OSX dvd into the external dvd drive.


3) boot up, press F2. in BIOS, make sure:

- IEEE 1394 is enabled
- USB emulation is enabled
- Discrete graphics is enabled
- Overclock is disabled

Then exit with changes saved


4) boot up, press F12. Select "CD/DVD/BD" as the boot option

"Niresh's 10.8.2 Installer" is highlighted

type in -v -x on the "boot: " line and press [enter]

let it load (about 5-10 minutes) into installer


5) Click "Utilities" on top bar

Click "Disk Utility..."

On the left-hand panel, select the partition you want to use for OSX

On the right-hand panel, click "Erase"

Format: "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)

Name: [whatever you want]

Click Erase...

Exit Disk Utility


6) Continue, Accept, and wait for the screen to choose disk.

Click "Customize" on the bottom left corner.


7) Other than the Default settings, also Check (Enable) the following:

Graphics > Graphics Enabler

Audio > Common > VooDoo HDA 2.8.2

Audio > Auto Detect & Install Audio Driver

Network > Ethernet > Atheros L1C

Network > Auto Install Ethernet Driver

Additional Kexts > CMOS Reset Fix

Additional Kexts > Trim Enabler for SSD

USB Support > USBBugFix



8) Click install and wait for it to complete


9) After installing, it will boot into Mac's intro screen.

If it skips the account creation step, use the following Default credentials to login and change the login later:

username: root

password: niresh


10) If Keyboard Setup Assistant shows up, just click Continue and close it.


11) Let nScript run and cleanup kexts and whatnot. After it's done, eject nScript from desktop.


12) Go to System Preferences > Users & Groups

Click on the [+] at the bottom left corner to make a new account with your username and password.


13) Click the Apple logo > Log out... to switch to your account. The default account gets deleted automatically.


Note: Any time you boot up and it crashes saying "You have to restart" or something. Go to BIOS and set graphics to Discrete.


Things known to not work:

- Right side USB ports (both)

- Sound, after plugging and unplugging an HDMI out

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