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I dont bother with Wi-Fi since i have Ethernet connection at Office. But since im a roadwarrior user that need connect to Internet while im out and I prefered to use my beautiful and slim Motorola RAZRV6




Well, I start to hook-up directly and it identify my phone. I want to full use the 3.5G (HSDPA) from my GSM provider.


Then I start googling again. I found the useful website at http://www.taniwha.org.uk

and then download this driver Motorola HSDPA Script

Thanks to:


Ross Barkman :dev:

And then just follow the instruction below :


1. Drop the modem scripts into Library/Modem Scripts


2. Set up PPP:

  1. Open Network Preferences
  2. Optional: Create a new location - call it "Mobile" or whatever (this is not absolutely necessary, since the modem config in the current location can have different settings to the existing Ethernet, etc. ports, but a separate location may be useful if you already have a mobile phone dial setting for the same IrDA/Bluetooth/USB port in your default location)
  3. Select "Show: 'Bluetooth Modem Port'" (or a USB-serial or IrDA Modem port if you are using those)
  4. Select the PPP tab and enter your network name in "Service Provider".
  5. Enter in "Telephone Number" the APN for your network or NONE
  6. Enter the Account name & Password (if required)
  7. Press the "PPP Options..." button
  8. Make sure that 'Send PPP echo packets' is not selected

3. Set up modem

  1. Select the Bluetooth Modem (or the equivalent USB or IrDA name) tab in Network Preferences
  2. Set 'Modem: "Motorola HSDPA <whichever script you're trying>"'

4. If you are using Infrared, turn on Motorola Infrared port (i skipped this one):

  1. Press MENU:Phone Setup:Activate IR Port or use the Quick Menu
  2. Select OK to activate IR port
  3. Line up Motorola IR port facing left rear IR port on PowerBook.

5. Connect:

  1. Open Internet Connect
  2. Select Bluetooth Modem Port (or the equivalent USB or IrDA port name)
  3. Click "Connect"
  4. No dial/modem sounds are heard during connection process

For further detail, please refer to the readme.rtf file inside the Motorola HSDPA Script folder. Below image is to proof that the connection is made. And verify at www.speedtest.net





This is the result from speedtest.net



above is measured using Kilobyte/s





this one using kilobit/s


Well... with this kind of network, i can download faster and more download... :dev:

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  • 3 months later...
Guest jonsen

I have found a small bug in the aforementioned method when connecting the phone via USB. If the USB cord is pulled whilst being connected to nextG wireless, the next time one attempts to connect an error will show that the modem does not exist. To work around this problem, simply turning the phone off then back on again seems to fix it.Has anyone else had this (or similar) experience?Also noteworthy is the issues pertaining to the APN.I use a pre-paid USIM and purchase 'Browse Plus Packs' through #100#, but in doing so the only APN that will work is 'telstra.wap' (without the quotes).Im not sure if this is the case with post-paid plans and/or devices.

I have found a small bug in the aforementioned method when connecting the phone via USB. If the USB cord is pulled whilst being connected to nextG wireless, the next time one attempts to connect an error will show that the modem does not exist. To work around this problem, simply turning the phone off then back on again seems to fix it.Has anyone else had this (or similar) experience?Also noteworthy is the issues pertaining to the APN.I use a pre-paid USIM and purchase 'Browse Plus Packs' through #100#, but in doing so the only APN that will work is 'telstra.wap' (without the quotes).Im not sure if this is the case with post-paid plans and/or devices.
Yes, if my modem is still connected and pull it out I have to re-initialize.
  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...
Guest Guest: edo_*

hello juragan, are you from indonesia?i'm having difficulties on setting up my v6 as modem.first of all, why i cant setting my interface as an usb port? it is only detected as bluetooth device.picture1bdu.th.pngmy area has 3G network coverage, as you can see in speedtest here. but the reality is the exact opposite! is there a help to boost my internet connection through v6?picture1zpt.th.png

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