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Building an OSx86 - JaS 10.4.8 w 8.8.1 Screen Capture

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Heres the screen capture that show my little work on the OSx86. BTW, screen capture it using alt+ctrl+shift+3 for full window, alt+ctrl+shift+4 if you want to capture by area


aboutjuragansmacxi5.th.png juragansaudio6vt4.th.png juragansnetworkzc0.th.png juragansxbench2gd8.th.png juragansdisplayzr5.th.png


Hopefully all of this information is helpfull to all the people that have an interest on building up an OSx86 in their PC. All the credit goes to all the people who have shown the guide, step-by-step, installing guide, and who seeds in the net. I cannot say all of them, but with my respect is all goes to them.

Below is the screen capture from WoW (world of warcraft)




This is the latest NVidia Installer

NVInstaller4.1 for 10.5.2

NVInstaller5.2 for 10.5.4


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