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I Finally managed to get my mobility x1300 (Thinkpad t60 ) fully working under 10.7.5 with no kexts from Snow Leopard


Many many Thanks to bcc9 for his method of editing personalities of ati cards.



On Snow leopard 10.6.7 it was simple geting this to work.As all personalities are together on ATIFrameBuffer.kext

You have to put your card,s id (mine is 7149) to ATI1300Controller.kext and ATIRadeon1000.kext as well use Evoenabler and put Wormy instead of Caretta atached here.


But on Lion the framebuffer presonalities are hardcoded to ATI1300Controller.kext.

The problem is that on ATI1300Controller.kext we only have two personalities Caretta And Sphyrna niether of them has lvds output .

Wormy which has lvds output is on ATI1600Controller.kext which we cant use .

So i went and tried to patch the Caretta connector info and voila.. all working including brightness control.



Personality: Wormy found in AtiController1600Controller.kext



0000000 02 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 00 01 01 03 lvds

0000010 04 00 00 00 16 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 02 01





Personality: Caretta found in AtiController1300Controller.kext




0000000 00 02 00 00 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 01 02 01 vga



i copied the connection info from Wormy to Caretta on ATI1300Controller.kext



now Caretta becomes.



0000000 02 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 00 01 01 03



Unfortunately caretta and sphyrna have only one output so we can only have internal screen working on lion and not vga.


Maybe you can try also on x14000


i am attaching modified ATI1300Controller and EVOenabler wich can be replaced also by efi strings.



Hope this helps anyone.


  • 4 months later...

He did say "Fully working", I suppose that he really meant "fully working". The subject line has "QE/CI" which means working hardware accelerated graphics.


Note that he's also providing info on how to get it working on 10.6.7 by simply adding the card's device ID in certain places.


Don't sit around waiting for a reply - try it and see what happens, then post here and let everyone know how it worked out. That's how we roll.


Of course you should probably be running 10.7.5 like he was when he posted that, also make sure that nothing else related to graphics has been patched or otherwise modified.


Back up anything you replace and put it somewhere easily accessible so you can restore it if needed.

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Well, I am very new to the world of Hackintosh, which presents me a few problems...

-In the current context, I don't know what "personalities" are

-He says he was able to get this working without kexts, yet later he makes mention of kexts

-I don't know what Wormy, Sphyrna, and Caretta are

-This post does not make clear what to patch or how


So, despite the tone of your response, my question was indeed appropriate.


I'm OK doing research (I have done quite a bit the past week trying to get mine to work). I'm OK taking risks (which have resulted in my starting over several times), and I think I'm very good at following directions in a well-written tutorial. I'm not asking to be spoonfed, but some directions that are clear to Windows converts, and have actually been verified working, would be wonderful and I feel not too much to ask.

So, despite the tone of your response, my question was indeed appropriate.


I didn't say that your question was inappropriate. However, your question was "Can I...." and with none of the information and questions in your second post.

So of course someone will reply with "yes you can, what the hell are you waiting for". Did you want to keep it a secret that you didn't understand a single sentence from the first post?


Nobody knows what you know. If you expect to get an answer tailored to your level of knowledge, then show what you know when you ask questions!


1. "Personalities" are types of framebuffer associated with certain models of ATI/AMD video cards. They have names like "Wormy", "Sphyrna" and "Caretta".

Among other things, they contain code that tell the main driver what display outputs are available. The first post shows how code from wormy is transplanted to the caretta personality in order to have a functional LVDS laptop display.

2. You're not reading it right. It doesn't say anywhere that he made it work without kexts. It says that he made it work on Lion without using kexts from Snow Leopard.

3. Already answered

4. Again, that's a terrible way to ask a question. It's not even a question. It is unclear what it is that is unclear to you.


It's all in this sentence: "i copied the connection info from Wormy to Caretta on ATI1300Controller.kext". The numbers shown is the "connection info". It even says LVDS and VGA next to them.


I don't know what hardware you have - you didn't say  - but if it's not a laptop with ATI x3100 Mobility then you can't use the information or the files provided and all of this has been a waste of my time and your time from the beginning.

Well, again, I am very new at this. I am trying to learn but what I'm learning more than anything else is that there is a LOT of misinformation out there concerning Hackintosh.


I downloaded the attachment. I tried to install the kexts two times, once with Kext Helper B7 and once with Kext Utility 2.5.1. Both time, no effect...no matter what I try, the resolution is always stuck at 1024x768 with no other options to change it to.


I am very frustrated and am very close to giving up. When I started this Hackintosh journey, I knew it would be challenging. But, now it is more frustrating and disheartening when I read that so many others were able to achieve success on my exact same model of laptop, but I just can't get there. :(


I am working with Snow Leopard, and I guess I assumed he was, too. Again, I am so frustrated at this point that it is possible I may have misread and misunderstood something, as this is all running together for me at this point.


I guess we were typing at the same time. What happened for me was nothing. Which, in all my attempts to get this working, is the best result so far. I've had kernel panics in the past with other methods, or problems that I couldn't even identify.

The attached files are for Lion, not Snow Leopard.


According to the first post, on Snow Leopard you have to:


Add your card's device ID to ATI1300Controller.kext and ATIRadeon1000.kext

"put Wormy instead of Caretta attached here"

Install EVOEnabler (it's in the archive).

I have read mention of placing your device ID (In my case, it is 7149) into the kext files. What I have been unable to find is a good tut on how to make that happen. I did find this....




But it talks about placing a hex string in the info.plist file. This is where I get confused (again). I do have a device ID, but what I found is just four numbers (in my particular case, 7149).


Could you clear this up, or point me in the direction of a tut that makes it a little clearer?


Additionally, and forgive me if this has been pointed out elsewhere but I'm still a little confused...is the correct procedure to edit the kexts, and then install them, or to edit the kexts that are already installed?

I have never worked on a Hackintosh with an ATI card in it so I can't be specific.


forget about hex strings for now.


A kernel extension is basically a folder with a different icon. To open it, right click it, then click "show contents". Then open info.plist, preferably with xcode or plist edit pro, so as to not run the risk of ruining the formatting and corrupting the plist.


What I would do is find the other device IDs already in info.plist and place mine along with them in the same format. You can probably figure it out by looking at it. The easiest way would be to edit one that's already there - replacing a device ID with yours will do no harm.


On Snow Leopard, according to the guide in this topic, you're supposed to edit two kernel extensions that are already installed. Again, the ATI kernel extension in the attached archive is for Lion, not Snow Leopard.


Again, EVOEnabler must be installed, but where to "put wormy" and did he mean literally add "wormy" somewhere, or did he mean add the wormy lvds code? Where?

These three questions remain..and I can't help you.


I'm thinking there may be an easier way to do all this using Chameleon's GraphicsEnabler, but as I said I have no practical experience with ATI cards on a Hackintosh.

Thank you for your response. I will research Chameleon's GraphicsEnabler solution first. If that is unsuccessful, I will edit the info.plist files on the kexts (pretty sure they're the ati1000 one whatever it is and the radeonhd one) and report back my results or lack of same.

Nope.. no RadeonHD-anything. He's perfectly clear on which kexts to edit on Snow Leopard:


On Snow leopard 10.6.7 it was simple geting this to work.As all personalities are together on ATIFrameBuffer.kext
You have to put your card,s id (mine is 7149) to ATI1300Controller.kext and ATIRadeon1000.kext as well use Evoenabler and put Wormy instead of Caretta atached here.

Well, best I can tell Chameleon's GraphicsEnabler is already baked in the iTAKOS S3 v2 install disk that I used, and per the tut that I followed I did select that in the install customization thing.


I put my card ID into ATI1300controller.kext under DTX code (was the only thing that looked right) and under ATIRadeon1000.kext I replaced part of a hex code with 7149 (it was 0x77701002). Neither of those things had any effect. Still stuck on 1024x768.


The RadeonHD was a moot point. There was nothing in there to edit concerning a dev ID.


I opted for the plist editor. Pretty cool utility. And, to my surprise, it was smart enough to automatically open when I double-clicked the plist file.

You're still missing the part where it says to add the "wormy" personality somewhere.


Don't use GraphicsEnabler and EVOEnabler at the same time.


Set GraphicsEnabler=n in /Extra/org.Chameleon.Boot.plist (or whatever iATKOS calls it).


Check that the kernel extensions you have edited are running. Look in apple menu -> about this mac -> system information -> software -> extensions

Well, this can't be good...I was looking for the extensions, and when I got to the part where I actually clicked on the "extensions" link, the whole thing froze up. Blah. So, I rebooted but this time with Graphicsenabler=n as a boot flag.


Well, these things aren't running. That seems like useful information. Now I just gotta figure out why they're not running :(

  • 2 weeks later...

Ones I downloaded, or the ones I modded?


I've downloaded several. Unfortunately there's been several people who have said "Here, try this. It will work. Honest!" But none of them did.

Here, I'll try posting the files which got me the kernel panic...because these are the only ones that resulted in any sort of change at all.


I tried attaching them, but the site says upload skipped error 407. Anyway, I followed the directions outlined here, using the files mentioned...




I attempted to insert my dev id, which is 7149, and my EDID which is...


00FFFFFF FFFFFF00 00001707 00000000 0A0A0101 0C1E17BE E82DC9A0 57479827 12484C00 00000101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010000 00FE0053 52584661 6B654544 49440A20 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 0101005A

Well, as I said, the site wouldn't let me attach them for some reason. I'm happy to give them to you. Is there an email or alternate method to get those to you?


"Upload Skipped (Error 407)" I don't know what that means, except that I can't attach the files :(

Well, before I give it a shot...


I think what you're asking me is to make a fresh install of OSX, update it, and then dig the ATI files out of the S/L/E folder and post them here. If you think that's the best chance of success I have absolutely no problems doing that and I'm happy to oblige.

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