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HP pavillion AMD Hackintosh?


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I managed to convince a friend (a windows fanboy) to give OS X a try, and he wants to try and install ot on his PC. The problem is that hes got an AMD processor and since i use intel an processor, im not familiar with how the installation goes under AMD. So i came here to learn, and to find out if his PC will even work as a hackintosh.


He hasnt given me any real details about his system yet other than the fact that its an HP Pavillion (he didnt say which one). im gonna try and get more information out of him and post it here as soon as i can. However , mostly im curious how to install osx under an AMD processor.

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If it was a desktop PC, he could just install Lion 10.7.5 and have more performance and stability that Windows could ever provide him.


Now, it it's an AMD APU laptop, from HP to make it worse, i'd recommend against it: it would be a pain in the os to install on it, and the Quartz Extreme feature won't work at all - not AMD's fault, but because ATI integrated cards are not supported by OSX, and the awful InsydeH2O BIOS which comes in most HP laptops won't let you disable the integrated graphics and use the discrete card if any.


I don't know if your friend's laptop is an APU, but if it is, his opinion of OSX will go from bad to worse, i'm afraid. And i type this from my iHACK HTPC which smoothly runs 10.7.5 (and 10.8.3, fyi) on an Athlon II X2 250.


All the best!

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