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Hi all,

After several attempts and tests I've got flawlessly working Dell Precision 670 workstation under Snow Leopard 10.6.8.


I used Nawcomm ModCD 0.3.2, Nawcomm's legacy kernel 10.6.8, ##### SL 3.10.1 with my own generated DSDT (without patches). Everything works fine except NIC.


I could not bring to life onboard NIC so I started to test various PCI NIC cards. After some research I decided to buy refurbished PCI-X Intel PRO/1000MT DUAL (Intel 82546EB chip). I assumed the card will work because I found it was sold by Mac accesory producers: Sonnet (Presto Dual Gigabit NIC) and SmallTree. Therefore I think I'm very close to get it to work.


Remark 1: Precision 670 mobo has following PCI ports:

1x PCIe 16X (graphics),

1x PCIe 8x (works as 4x)

1x PCI (32 bit)

3x PCI-X (64 bit)


Short PCI slot is reserved for my Audigy soundcard (btw working great with kx driver) and PCIe is reserved for the Revodrive 3 which I'm going to buy in near future. So, available slots for NIC are PCI-X slots.


Remark 2: I also buy refurbished Realtek 8169 PCI-X card, which works OOB in Snow, but - and this is somewhat funny - I could not find working Windows 7 driver and my 670 has to be dual OS'ed. I also noticed poor network performance using this card.


OK, let's back to Intel NIC. Card is properly recognised by OSX:




  1. I've modified AppleIntel8254XEthernet (in IONetworkingFamily) setting valid device ID: 0x10108086 (default was 0x10008086).
  2. Plugin ethernet cable causes kernel panic, when configuration in Network system preferences either is set to DHCP or manually:




And, of course I found the SmallTree drivers which someone in this forum reported working, but I could not manage it to work, trying 3.2.22 and newest 3.4.24 version. SmallTree kext is installed but it is not loaded on startup.


So, dear community, I appreciate any help or hints to work this s..t out ;]

Well, I also spent hours (days) on this with no success so nothing's left but give up. Intel PRO/1000 is reported to work with 10.5 here, so this might be OS version related issue.


I'm very curious whether SmallTree PCIX NIC will work on SL but this card is no longer available and buying it used is almost impossible. If I find it someday, I'll report results here.


Now, I just have bought Netgear GA311 which is reported as working in HCL 10.6.8.


Many thanks for your support!



Hi, yes, I know this SF project and I used this kext trying to get to work onboard NIC. I have install it now to S/L/E. There is progress - no KP, but Network in System Preferences shows it's cable is unplugged.

You are still waking my hopes hahaha ;]

  • 7 months later...

Well, my hopes raised up to the skies but apparently unnecessarily...


After install system info shows it "does not contain any ethernet devices"


I even replaced AppleIntel8254XEthernet to 1.1.2 version in the IONetworkingFamily kext in /S/L/E.


I generated my DSDT with onboard NIC turned off - do you think it matters?

I've also noticed you're using different kernel and install method. Mine is 10.6.8 Legacy kernel and the Nawcom ModCD (please refer to this topic).



I do have "Ethernet" entry under PCI3@0,2 (albeit I can't see any PCI5 there) and of course NIC is enabled in the BIOS :)


All permissions and kextcaches are rebuilt after every modification.

When I install 1.1.2 kext to /E/E (I use Kext Wizard app) System Profile shows Ethernet Card still uses version 2.1.3b1...


I also installed it to /S/L/E using Kext Wizard and still the same: NIC is present with 2.1.3b1 kext and cable unplugged

Well i did it but obviously it does not want to work :)

I'll try to install fresh copy of the system using your DSDT. We'll see!


Thank you for your help and have a great 2014!

  • 2 months later...

forgive me long time lack of response but I had really hard time last monts and had to break my hackintosh developement...


I can confirm the kext you shared works on my Dell 670 but only in 32bit mode. Anyway I can't use this due to my 64bit architecture.


I wish I had skills to mod it to 64bit... Maybe someone has?



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