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Sorry for my English,


Hi all, I have a problem with OpenGL in Snow Leopard 10.6.8 because I can not turn it on and causes me problems in various applications. My video card is a NVidia 9800GT 1GB DDR3 and I have already activated the flag "GraphicsEnabler = Yes", but nothing!

This is what he tells me the system:


GeForce 9800 GT:


Chipset Model: GeForce 9800 GT

Type: GPU

Bus: PCIe

PCIe Lane Width: x16

VRAM (Total): 1024 MB

Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)

Device ID: 0x0614

Revision ID: 0x00a2

ROM Revision: Silent Natit x86_64 v1.0.2



Resolution: 1280 x 1024

Pixel Depth: 32-bit color (ARGB8888)

Show serial number: 1500700

Main Display: Yes

Mirror: Off

Online: Yes

Display Connector:

Status: No display connected


[EDIT] When I try to open iMovie tells me that we need Quartz Extreme and some app while I'm scrolling flashes everything goes in spurts!

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