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Hello, I have a similar problem with my dual boot, but I only can boot into Windows 8. I only can see this message: "boot: done", and nothing else, it boots into windows 8 and I need a DVD to boot into my ML partition.


What could it be??


PD: This is the Chameleon_Installer_log.txt:


Chameleon installer log - Mon Apr 22 00:26:02 CEST 2013
Installer version: 2.2svn 2171
0:	 FDisk_partition_scheme					 *750.2 GB disk0
1:			 Windows_NTFS Windows 8			 536.1 GB disk0s1
2:				 Apple_HFS Mac OS X			 214.0 GB disk0s2
Backup Chameleon files
Backup stage2 file /Volumes/Mac OS X/boot to /Volumes/Mac OS X/Chameleon.Backups/2013-04-22-00h26/boot
Backing up /Volumes/Mac OS X/Extra folder to /Volumes/Mac OS X/Chameleon.Backups/2013-04-22-00h26/Extra
Clearing options...
Running Standard postinstall script
Target volume = /Volumes/Mac OS X on /dev/disk0s2
Target disk already has existing Chameleon stage 0 loader - boot0md (boot0workV2).
Detected a Windows installation on this volume.
Stage 0 loader not written to /dev/disk0.
Written boot1h to /dev/rdisk0s2.
Written boot to /Volumes/Mac OS X on /dev/disk0s2.
Preparing to check target disk for previous installations.
Checking disk0.
Nothing found that could cause any problems.
Disk: /dev/rdisk0 geometry: 91201/255/63 [1465149168 sectors]
Signature: 0xAA55
	 Starting	 Ending
#: id cyl hd sec - cyl hd sec [	 start -	 size]
*1: 07 0 1 1 - 1023 254 63 [	 63 - 1047164832] HPFS/QNX/AUX
2: AF 1023 254 63 - 1023 254 63 [1047164895 - 417979170] HFS+	
3: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [		 0 -		 0] unused	
4: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [		 0 -		 0] unused	

Windows is installed so that can remain the active partition
Standard script complete
Added boot option: Instant Menu=Yes
Added boot option: EthernetBuiltIn=Yes
Added boot option: UseKernelCache=Yes
Added boot option: DropSSDT=Yes
Added boot option: Graphics Mode=1920x1080x32
Running Post postinstall script
Target volume = /Volumes/Mac OS X
Unmount all volumes named EFI
Post postinstall script complete

Very easy fix. Boot into Windows install DVD.

1. Choose language and select Repair your Computer.

2. I don't think it will find any installations but click next without windows highlighted.

3. Open CMD and type this:


list disk

select disk 0 (or the drive windows is installed on)

list partition

select partition 1 (You should select the partition what's around 200MB.



reboot and done

Very easy fix. Boot into Windows install DVD.

1. Choose language and select Repair your Computer.

2. I don't think it will find any installations but click next without windows highlighted.

3. Open CMD and type this:


list disk

select disk 0 (or the drive windows is installed on)

list partition

select partition 1 (You should select the partition what's around 200MB.



reboot and done


Hello, I followed the steps, but the problem is still here, Chameleon doesn't appear (only 2 messages: "boot0: test" and "boot0:done") and only boots into Windows 8. :wallbash::(

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