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HW Configuration


- GA-Z77-DS3H

- i5 2310

- Zotac GTX 650

- SATA 2 drivers (AHCI in bios)


- No DSDT used

- FakeSMC

- GraphicEnabler=No for both 64 and 32


Well, initial installation of 10.7 was fine, I was able to make it boot itself, but graphic card was giving only one resolution, so I decided to install Nvidia drivers. This required at least 10.7.4 so I decided to go for 10.7.5. Applied same modifications before restarting.


Restarted and got screen of death "You need to restart your computer...". Tried multiple things including renaming AppleHDA, Copying FakeSMC from 10.7.3(actually solved some errors in log), replacing AppleSMC.


Tried with -x flag, GraphicsEnabler=Yes


Attached is the last state I've got with verbose. It's just stuck on this.


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Video problem - OS wants to boot to desktop but doesn't recognize video card properly.


In BIOS set VT-d to Disable. Set Visualization to Disable. Save BIOS settings and boot.


If it still doesn't boot try boot flag of: -x (this is Safe mode but you can get in and 'look around')


If you can get an older 9500GT video card that will likely boot to desktop until you can solve the problem with your present card.

Video problem - OS wants to boot to desktop but doesn't recognize video card properly.


In BIOS set VT-d to Disable. Set Visualization to Disable. Save BIOS settings and boot.


If it still doesn't boot try boot flag of: -x (this is Safe mode but you can get in and 'look around')


If you can get an older 9500GT video card that will likely boot to desktop until you can solve the problem with your present card.


First I don't see VT-d in the BIOS, supposely my CPU doesn't have it anyway.

Like I said, -x doesn't work also.

I was able to boot perfectly into 10.7 with the existing video. What kind of video problem may have brought 10.7.5? I don't see any point to change video, as I can manipulate kext files from single user mode.

The one I used is 20 megs and cant upload it here 10 megs is the limit. Not sure how to solve this.


I think it was this thread I used when I did the install, I bought ML using my old computer running Lion.




Try this one





There are files for this mobo in both of these but I believe its the second I used


Thanks, I will try that.


Meanwhile I still need help with my Lion installation.

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