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Hi guys ;

As this website and forum was and still very helpful to me and for any one trying to install hac or even to know informations about hackintosh, so i write this topic to help each other by sharing our experiences


this topic is for those who loading voodoohda.kext via loader to avoiding random kernel panic that might occurs from time to time, So using Voodoohda loader is very helpful

the other thing is the script that enables SSE2 in VoodooHDA preference panel


by adding the script after voodoo loader in starting up applications, it works well

but sometimes SSE2 enabler script starts before voodooloader and we get error because there voodohda kext doesn't injected yet to system kexts


this happens to me so i think if i could load SSE2 enabler after injecting voodoohda kext and also put it inside voodoohda loader itself


so voodooHDA loader will take the two jobs:

1- loading (injecting) voodoohda.kext which is it's original job

2- enabeling SSE2 in voodoohda preference panel -- the new job


and also we will only adding voodooloader to startup applications


in the attachments you will find the new modified voodooloader installer and i also included voodoo preference panel


The Idea:

the idea is to include sse2 enabler script file inside voodooloader resources folder

i called it checkSSE2.scpt

then i asked voodooloader to run it immediately after loading VooodooHDA.kext file

by adding those lines to kextLoader_ file before exit command


osascript checkSSE2.scpt


where checkSSE2.scpt is sse2 enabler script




my audio card is via vt1708s and i uses voodooHDA.kext that works

and this is what exists in voodoloader installer

to use your voodooHDA.kext that works with your card simply:


after installing voodooloader go to application folder and find VoodooLoader application

then right click on it and choose 'show package contents' then navigate to

'Contents/Resources' and replace your voodooHDA.kext file with the existing one


-- you can also replace it in voodooLoader installer, so any time you install it it will contains your kext


-- this requires voodoo preference panel (assumed that you should have it already to enable sse2 earlier) i include it also in case you need it



Any Quesition please ask, Or Comment with your suggestion

i also posted this topic in tonymac

Ahmed Saad, Egypt


VoodooLoader Installer.zip

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