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I had a perfect Hackintosh, but I decided to go further by setting up a Fusion Drive, like I did on my MacBook Pro. I followed the instructions of thishttp://youtu.be/2x1L9zdM0HA YouTube video. It boots normally but I can hardly do anything as my mice (USB Logitech and Bluetooth Magic Mouse) and (Apple Aluminum) keyboard don't work.


If anyone can help, thanks in advance.

I have hand written notes that I plan to make into a guide... but just install the boot loader as every other guide does. Use the Carm. Bootloader binaries found already complied in the boot loader section here on insanely. Then install the kexts as normal. Not sure why all the guides are against a clean install... USB boots fine into it post install.

Well, the thing is, iCloud is broken with this. So I tried making a clean install as you suggested, then doing what that guy says in the video when he claims he's fixing it, now it no longer boots. I'm getting the "still waiting for root device" error. Retrying by installing the "regular" bootloader .

OK, everything's working fine, except I've tried making my Fusion Drive bootable with the normal chameleon, it breaks everything (I'm getting a "Still waiting for root device" error at boot), but it works fine as long as I boot with an OS X installer.

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