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I have an odd problem that only occurs if I've been using Ubuntu then do a restart and boot into ML.

I cannot use the track pad, the cursor just jumps about all over the place and I have to press the power button and press enter to shut down.

This doesn't happen if I reboot from Win8 into ML just Ubuntu.

Not a huge problem I know, is this the right forum to be asking or should I ask over at the Ubuntu forum.

This is not on my signature hack but an Acer notebook.


I used osx to partition my hard drive into 3 using mbr

Then installed osx, then win8 then had to make partition 1 active to use Chimera

I should've put windows on first but easy enough to fix.

then installed ubuntu making sure grub went onto /root


I would of thought you would of been better using GUID instead of MBR?


I think I would of installed it in the same order, OS X until its fully working, then windows which should be very straight forward, then linux.


But I would use a GUID partition table, grub may well break your boot up, so then you might have to boot into linux with linux cd, or using osx boot usb, theres a guide floating about, something to do with gptsync to fix the boot issue.


Is it happening when you shut down and restart, or just when you restart?

the problem is what ML not load your kext AplleTrackpad.kext when you reboot from linux, "this can ber a problem caches", or if you use voodoo kexts, ALL yours kexts are in S/L/E? or you have kexts in E/E!!!

The reason I use MBR is so that Chimera reads the Linux partition label, also Linux in the past has broken guid partitions and then I've had to run gptsync to fix it so when I have multiple OS on one hard drive I now use MBR, on my tower I have separate HD and I use GUID.

All my kexts are in S/L/E

maybe I'll move my PS2 kexts to E/E


might work, remember if you move them to EE they wont be loaded if you use kernelcache=yes..


Im not sure of the consiquences of duplicating the kexts, having them in both and trying to booth using kernelcache=yes, it may allow you to boot with the better speed your looking for, but also have the kext that is being dropped in EE for booting after ubuntu.. I really have no idea though, I think kexts in EE would normaly supersede those in SLE but only if the date is newer? (guessing a bit here sorry) it cant hurt to try anyway :)

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