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Hi, I like to enable my GTX 550Ti HDMI audio in Mountain Lion 10.8.3 or 10.7.5.

However after many trials it's not working yet.

Can anyone help me as soon as possible ?

Because Tolera had said it seems impossible for this GTX 550Ti video card, is it true ?

Attached files are my DSDT.aml and IORegistry Data.



Solved now!

Credit to toleda who is a genius I believe.

Please refer to post #11~12 in




You have ALC888. Is the AppleHDA you are using from Lion? If so you will have to patch AppleHDA for HDMI audio with your card. If you use a ML appleHDA it will work OOB with the edit you have.


HDDMI audio is loaded in your system.

You have ALC888. Is the AppleHDA you are using from Lion? If so you will have to patch AppleHDA for HDMI audio with your card. If you use a ML appleHDA it will work OOB with the edit you have.


HDDMI audio is loaded in your system.

Thanks for your prompt reply.

Yes I have patched several AppleHDA.kext but all are not working for HDMI audio.

I mean I can find HDMI audio in "About This Mac"(System Information), but there is no such a option of audio output in System Preference.

In the past I have successfully enabled ATI HD 5770, 5850 & 6870 as well as Intel HD 4000 with extra GTX 680 in 5 different PCs.

This is the first time I can not make it working.

According to Tolera's theory this GTX 550Ti seems never working properly for its HDMI audio.

So I just ask your expert's opinion again.

Do you mean just use native ML AppleHDA.kext instead of patched one will solve my problem ?

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