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Hello to everyone! :)


I would create some apps for iOS devices. And I know that i need a OSx to do that.

So i want to kwon if i have to create apps on original OSx, or I can create them on OSx patched and installed on PC.

I want to sell my apps on AppStore with a Developer Account.


Tell me please! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds like the question you're asking based on the contents of your post is that can you submit apps to the App Store with a Hackintosh? You most certainly can since I've been doing so for quite some time so long as your app can pass through Apple's "rigorous" approval process you'll be alright.

  • 4 weeks later...

Sounds like the question you're asking based on the contents of your post is that can you submit apps to the App Store with a Hackintosh? You most certainly can since I've been doing so for quite some time so long as your app can pass through Apple's "rigorous" approval process you'll be alright.


All you need is an iOS Developer Membership (80€/year) and you are good to go.

As for apps to get approved that can be a bit tricky (but manageable) ;)

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  • 9 months later...

How easy is to keep up with updates on a hackintosh? Apple requires you to submit your apps with the latest Xcode and SDK. When I started, I tried developing on a PC, but I soon bought a real Mac, because its much more convenient. If you're serious about it, you need to buy all kinds of devices anyways, so you can test your apps on them.




  • 2 months later...
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