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Hi to all,

I'd tried to install mountain lion on my dell studio xps1340...

Previous I had installed Lion 10.7.4 and was all ok, but installing ML2, first the system block in a black screen...

Deactivating NVidia Enabler the ML2 start correctly but the graphics is very slow and the system don't

recognize correctly my two video cards 9400M+9200GS.

I install after system installation the NVidia Kext and the system recognize correctly the video cards like in Lion 10.7.4,

but the graphics in very slow and If I try to launch a simple game like angry birds it says that I didn't load any openGL or similar...


How can I enable my video cards?

Please help...


System detail:

Processore: Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU P9600 @ 2.66GHz

Proprietà della scheda madre

Nome scheda madre Dell Studio XPS 1340

Memoria 2x4GB DDR3-1066

Tipo chipset GeForce 9500M (GF 9400MG + GF 9200MGS) 256MB

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here there are my two DSDT's:

1) complete DUMP with Lion 10.7.4 where is all ok

2) complete DUMP after update to Mountain Lion 10.8.2 deactivating all video card kext


I post also two pictures about the graphics card state before and after update!




here the details with ML




here the details with Lion



Edited by nigno21

ok, here your DSDT.aml put in Extra, and install the lasted drivers from NVIDIA and repairPermission/Reboot, now install CUDA Drivers/RepairPermissions/Reboot


NVIDIA DRIVERS 304.00.05f02





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ok, here your DSDT.aml put in Extra, and install the lasted drivers from NVIDIA and repairPermission/Reboot, now install CUDA Drivers/RepairPermissions/Reboot


NVIDIA DRIVERS 304.00.05f02






I'm sorry but I have this problems following this steps:


1) I put the DSDT in Extra/ folder

2) when I try to install Nvidia Driver it says that these aren't for my system and the installation is stopped

3) so I use Pacifist and I extracted all kext present in Nvidia driver packet and install it manually.

4) repairPermission and after reboot the system go in black screen (I try to launch it also with -x -v but the result is the same)

5) I start Windows, mount mac osx partition and delete all kext and DSDT

6) reboot in system corretly and now I reisntall DSDT, Nvidia driver and repairPermission without reboot

7) I install also cuda driver directly from installer and repairpermission

8) after reboot the system go in a black screen

9) Trying to start with -x -v the result is the same...


I post last log where the system is blocked:



Please Help me... :(

Thanks for all

device id NVIDIA is 1002 and your card 0886 see infoplist of all NVDIA kexts, if not work you can try install from 10.7.4 kexts




Ok, but tell me,


in string tag I must add this: 0x086610de&0xff??? and how I chose the correct sequence?

my id card is 0x0866 not 0x0886 or I'm wrong?



I try to add this









to all NVidia Kext but nothing...

I replace with 10.7.4 Kext and system start correctly but the graphics is the same: very slow...

I post all Nvidia 10.7.4 kext at this link: http://dl.dropbox.co...10.7.4 kext.zip

I hope you help me... Thanks for all ...

look here how to NVIDIA CARDS: Basic guide about nVidia kexts - nVidia - InsanelyMac Forum


and here a Example how to make a EfiString: Asus nVidia GeForce 210 1GB DDR3 Working! - nVidia - InsanelyMac Forum


and install the lasted Enoch boot loader for NVDIA CARDS:Enoch Bootloader

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THIS IS a patch for OPENCL NVDIA , copy and past in termi9nal app, look if this work for you, make a backup first all NVDIA kexts.



sudo perl -pi -e '$c+=s/\x8b\x81\x1c\x0c\x00\x00\xeb\x06\x8b\x81\x20\x0c\x00\x00/\xb8\x02\x00\x00\x00\x90\xeb\x06\xb8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x90/; END { printf "%s: %d substitution%s made.\n",($c==1 ? "Success" : "Error"),$c,(!$c || $c>1 ? "s" : ""); $?=($c!=1); }' /System/Library/Extensions/GeForceGLDriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/libclh.dylib




EDIT: you can test this package is NVDIA, I can't test it , I no have NVDIA Cards. NV Override for Mountain Lion.zip

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