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Dell OptiPlex 980 i5 - ML 10.8.2

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HiAnyone has much success installing 10.8.2 on an OptiPlex i5 980 ? I know i will need an additional GFX card as the on board one is not supported. I bought a low profile silent nVidea GT 620 as i was led to believe this was supported OOTB but it seems i was wrong.I am trying a myHack retail method and it gets stuck at the point where it seems the onboard NIC is initialised.


Any ideas?





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from the USB installer? As of right now i dont have an OS on this box.


As an aside what would be an OOTB working low profile GFX card for ML? In my other hack i have a silent 9600 GT and this has been perfect for 10.6, 10.7 and now 10.8 but i need something smaller for the optiplex?



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did you try my installer here


my video is on french but the installer its english support

and its work very good for many mobos and laptop


and you just need to open installesd.dmg

and follow the step




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