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Hello Community,


At first i´m sorry for my bad english.

Im trying since 2 days to install Lion on my AMD PC.

I managed to install Lion on my "Hackintosh". ->>

1. Install Snow Leopard

2. Mount iatkos L2.dmg and install it with OSinstall.mpkg (i think the name was this)

3. Copy bronzovkAnVoodoo 0.9.26 inside Lion root folder (mach_kernel)

4. Reboot


Now my problem:

If i start the computer (-v -f -legacy UserKernelCache=No npci=0x3000 cpus=1 maxmem=4096) the "boot-up" will end at this point:



I don´t know what to do.


My Hardware is

CPU: AMD X6 1090T

MOBO: Gigabyte GA-870A-UD3

RAM: 6GB (soon again 8GB)

GRAPHIC: Gigabyte GTX460 OC 1GB


Hope anyone can help me :/ & sorry for my bad english.


regards marv

its npci 2000 on LION, 3000 is for snow. CONFIRMED working, well somewhat on that WALMART emachine 350APU. Its a 350 not a 300 as advertised.


I used GraphicEnabled=no and npci=0x2000 and I got the installer to load.


Where Im stuck now is hdd free space, even on erased drive still reports insufficient.

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