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Harddisk Freeze Clicking Sound


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I have a sort of a strange problem:

I have OS X 10.4.7 installed on a Sata Maxtor Harddisk and on my ohter Maxtor Harddisk there is my music and windows is installed.

Whenever Iam in windows the drive works fine... but in OS X after some hours (sometimes it doesnt happen) the windows harddisk starts clicking and my complete system freezes and I need to reboot. Isnt this strange? The harddisk isnt broken because Windows gets along with it fine and it cant be The Maxtor Click of Death because I can still use the harddisk and OS X also has no trouble with it except that it locks up the system sometimes (this mostly happens when Iam listening music that is on that windows harddisk)...

btw this problem started to happen when I bough a new sata harddisk (where osx is now on) and I made a copy of my old os x IDE drive to the new SATA... but its not making sense because the windows harddisk starts clicking ? Its getting frustrating because I dont understand it :) any suggestions?

thanks beforehand :D

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Happens to me to when im running in ahci mode mines is a sata ii tho but works fine for long enough then when all of a sudden i try to access a folder or that to quickly the whole system just freezes , But when running in enhanced mode everything works a treat

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Happens to me to when im running in ahci mode mines is a sata ii tho but works fine for long enough then when all of a sudden i try to access a folder or that to quickly the whole system just freezes , But when running in enhanced mode everything works a treat


Never heard of AHCI mode... but how do I go to the enhanced mode then? some special code in darwin.. or am I in it by default?

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