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I just installed 10.6 on my - former- Windows laptop. When I boot it up using Verbose mode I get stuck seeing the last lines of verbose booting but hearing the welcome video.

This means that booting isnt a problem as the video plays, but i can not see it. Sound plays fine on the speakers. also, when i push a keyboard button, a sound pops up for saying "there's nothing why you should press a button".


My graphic card is a ati mobility 4650. I tried both booting with GraphicsEnabler=Yes and =No. Also safe mode -x doesnt help.


The last lines (the audio related ones) you can see on the picture came up when the song was already playing.

When I dont use Verbose mode, the screen is stuck on the grey spinning circle screen.


i used this guide: http://howtohackintosh.wordpress.com/guides/snowleopardusbflashdriveinstallation-guide/


What could solve the problem?


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