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Hi Guys,

I;ve been a lurker for maybe close to a year now but haven;t had the time to participate before!!


Anyway, after a moderately sucessful installtion of 10.7.2-5 on an HP G70 (quite old I know but it's got a great big 17in screen geforce graphics and serves as my recording studio) with everything working apart from sleep, I decided to try my hand at an installation on my newer and smaller HpG4 series. Now this is a particular model, I currentl live in Brazil (although I'm British) and thus have to put up with the disgustingly extortionate prices for anything electronic here, so budget budget budget!!). However, I did go out and buy an installation from Apple both times - come on, for what I paid for Lion download here in sao paulo you couldn't even buy lunch for one in a lanchonette!!!


So here's the problem. The installation had loads of problems so I went step by step.

Now it boots, runs, audio works, DVD, detects keyboard and trackpad (although says they are not connected and no two finger or gestures), the Processor in system info decideds to tell me whatever it wants and varies from minute to minute from the original i3 370m to i3 986Mhz (which seems to be it's favourite haha) guessing processor states or it doesnt affect me.

What I really have an issue with is that none of the USB ports work, and the ethernet either. I've installed the official driver from realtek and it says I have one but connecting it to the router gives no lights and there it doesnt appear in the router client list when viewed from the other lappy.

What got me thinking is that maybe there is something wrong with the motherboard interface drivers, is it EHCI?? or ACPI?? This also happens if I pull out the other lappys HD and stick it in this one, I have to disable some Kexts first and then once booted, the same issue.

Any Advice??




i3 370m

Motherboard - Hm55

Ethernet rtl fe epci family



As an added note of curiosity, I ripped out my old WIFI card in the old HP and replaced it with an Intel pro wifilink 1000 - it worked out of the box, but apparently nowhere on the internet is that said to be the truth. I tried it in the new one and obviously it doesnt work, also with new installation of osx it doesnt work. Just a curiosity, I still use it with no problems :)


Anyway, have fun with this ;)

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