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Hey guys,


I'm a new member, but I've been lurking for few weeks now. I just bought a new computer and I'm struggling to install Mac OsX on it...


I've followed this guide to help me : http://www.insanelym...-for-beginners/


Everything is going well, but when I boot on Chameleon it stops at the line :


Read HSF+ file: hd(0,1)/System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA/.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHDAHardwareConfigDriver.kext/Contents/Info.plist


I tried GraphicsEnable=No, same error...


I tried GraphicsEnabler=Yes and I get this


Error : dcbtable_version is 0x4

Error : nVidia ROM Patching Failed!


I need so help !


Pc Config :



8 Gb 1600mhz

GT 650m 2Gb

750Gb 5400

Is this before getting to installer, or first boot after installation? use boot flags: -x -v -f

with -x audio and video drivers will not load incase either is causing a problem

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