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I have a P55M-UD2 (F9) with 8 Gigs of ram and a XFX 5770 1 GB video card. Its always been doing this, but for some reason, whenever I am downloading via torrent program (WoW too), when I hit 1mb/s my computer kernel panics and I have to restart twice because after the first boot USB stops working. So whenever I get a kernel panic its: Restart > keyboard and mouse dont work after post > restart then I can use the computer. The restarting issue might be completely separate considering I have to do that every time I start the computer. Any ideas?

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boot verbose using -v, this enables additional error logging that you don't get otherwise, so when it kernel panics again, instead of just getting the "you need to restart" message, you'll get the log on screen showing what caused the panic. My guess is a network kext, but until then, it's just a guess. So, boot -v then go torrent while WoWing

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