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I'm having weird problems with word processing apps. The two I have tried are Office 2004 Mac and AbiWord for mac. Both have been EXTREMELY SLOW whenever I type, but when I'm not typing things run smooth. It's so wierd. I have a radeon 7500 mobility with callisto .003 fixed drivers with a QE patch. Pentium 4m 2.0ghz SSE2. JaS 10.4.7 Repack.


Ne one have a clue whats wrong???

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I just tried pages...it is slow too... I heard that maybe if i ran the app in rosetta it would work better, i looked in the "get info" thing for the program but the box to check of rosetta wasnt there. and it wasnt there for abi word or ms office either....




Actually I had the problem with the WordProcessing Apps too, AbiWord, OpenOffice as well as Microsloth's Office 2004 are damn slow. Try "NeoOffice" Package instead or "ThinkFree Office" if u could just buy it. The fastest is ofcourse the "ThinkFree Office".



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