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I have successfully installed OSX on the following hardware:


Gigabyte GA-M51GM-S2g Motherboard

*Marvell 88E116 Gigabit Lan(nForce 430 chipset)

*Realteck ALC883

AMD Athlon X2 4100+ CPU

Seagate 500 GB Sata Hard Drive

HP Quadro FX 1700

*Chose EFI String DVI/DVI

*Have not tested Quartz

Dell 15" Monitor

Microsoft Wireless Multimedia Keyboard 1.1

Microsoft Standard Wireless Optical Mouse

*Installed the IntelliPoint Software

Lite-On Combo SOHC 4836K

Lite-On Combo SOHC 4836V



I used the 10.6.1. with 10.6.2 Update from the Hazard DVD. I went with a minimal installation...just what is required to install on an AMD system. To enable the sound I chose the ALC883 Patch. To enable the Quadro 1700 I chose the NVenabler kext. I chose the SMBios 667 Patch. Did not chose any sata drivers (running the drive in IDE mode in the BIOS). Under wired section I did not install any drivers. I have no wifi device in this computer. The Marvell 88E1116(nForce 430 chipset) was autodetected and autoconfigured with DHCP. No Kext needed. I did not chose any USB fixes. No DDST patching required or EFI string added with OSX86tools except as noted above. Working in full 64-bit mode. Chose the RTC patch to fix the CMOS reset problem.



Compatible applications:


Microsoft Office 2011 Professional

Microsoft IntelliType Pro 6.1

*Returns an error saying some extensions did not install property but I have not discovered any problems with changing settings of the mouse and keyboard.

Mozilla Firefox (Latest version)

Google Chrome (Latest version)

Adobe Acrobat Reader X (Latest version for OSX 10.6.2)

Adobe Flash Player Plugin (Latest version for OSX 10.6.2)

Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection

*Everything installs but After Effects CS5.5, Premiere Pro 5.5, and Photoshop 5.5 64-bit....for some reason it says they cannot be installed on this mac as an error message. Even after switching to 64 bit mode...it will not install.

Autodesk Maya 2011

Autodesk Composite 2011

Autodesk MatchMover 2011

Final Cut Express(Older version but installs and works)

Final Cut Pro (Final Cut 7)

*Did a basic install of only Final Cut 7...not Motion and the other options of the package)

Blender 2.63a

DivX (Latest verison for OSX 10.6.2)

Python 2.7.3

Python 3.2.3


Software that causes kernel panic

Electronic Arts Spore(Kids love this game)


Will upload screenshots later through Flickr.

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