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Bless Command


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In 10.4.4 or above when you try and bless a drive with the following command


bless -mount /volumes/hdname/usr/standalone/i386/boot -setBoot


you get the following error Could not find IODeviceTree:/options


i know there is a way around this! other than doing it from a 10.4.3 environment.... could someone please give me the correct syntax

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if you do that it gives this:-


EFI found at IODeviceTree:/efi
Mount point for /Volumes/Untitled is /Volumes/Untitled
Mount point is '/Volumes/Untitled'
No BootX creation requested
No boot.efi creation requested
Path to mountpoint given: /Volumes/Untitled
IOMedia disk1s2 has UUID
Could not find IODeviceTree:/options

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