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Hello guys!


I would like you to help me create a decent DSDT for my motherboard (GA-EP45-UD3P rev. 1.0). I can install Mac OS X 10.6.3 but cannot make SLEEP to work. This is all I need. I want SLEEP function desperately.


I dont know how to create a DSDT. Can you please help me?



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I have managed to pull out the DSDT.aml. Here you go. (I booted without any DSDT.aml)


I want my Hackintosh to be able to Sleep, Restart and Shutdown with no problem. Its gonna be my new HTPC. I also have an Apple Remote Control, so I want to be able to turn it on/off with it. No keyboards, no nothing. Just my Apple Remote and Plex. :)


I have managed to create one. I bought one Macbook IR module and a USB Cable and I created it with the help of this Guide (I also bought an Apple Remote ofcourse). It works like a champ!




Remove NullCPUPowerManagement.kext if present, enable S3 in bios and if VBIOS repost on wake is in bios, try disabling first, if graphics issue then enable

I will check it out when I get back home. THANKS!

Sweet! As a side note on the Apple Remote, Better Touch Tool has some additional config settings available for it, but haven't tried it so can't tell you much more on that part, but it does work great for Magic Trackpad. Global pinch to zoom instead of just in a few core apps is the greatest, especially on a HTPC where your across the room.

Can I ask one more question?


I want to be able to pull the sound from my NVIDIA GT220's HDMI. Can this be done via the DSDT.aml ? Or I have to install VoodooHDA to make it work?


Thank you so much man! I appreciate your help! You're my hero! I was trying to make it work for days now! :(





Not sure on the audio, with HDMI built in to mobo it can be done. I've always just used the optical audio and anything with HDMI inputs should have a optical or coax digital input too, but prefer to run audio to stereo and video to TV and not get the TV's speakers or other clunky menu settings involved, especially when listening to music and wanting to have a baseball game or something on the TV instead of staring at itunes. Avoid using Voodoo if at all possible. And plex plays 5.1 DTS or DD just fine, and 720 or 1080p. May need to double check some settings in /Applications/Audio MIDI Settings.app for 5.1

what would you want stereo speakers for? if all you want is 2 channel audio, just use the built in analog. I assumed since you wanted HDMI audio you had a receiver that could decode 5.1. If your gonna use digital audio in a HTPC, you'll need a receiver that can decode Dolby Digital and DTS. If you just want to use the TV speakers, just get one of these http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?c_id=104&cp_id=10429&cs_id=1042902&p_id=7189&seq=1&format=2 and a pair of RCA cables. I know the price is a bit steep :)

My TV's speakers are very clear and crisp. That's why I wanted to pull sound from the GT220's HDMI and send it to my TV. I dont want to load my TV's desk with other equipment... (at least not now... )




I had this HTPC running Windows 7 and I was using the HDMI for Video and Audio. I was a happy man. :) But then, I saw PLEX and its slick and "butterish" (if there is a word like that :) ) and wanted it DESPERATELY. :)


Thats why I went the "hackintosh way" . :)





It is however possible to enable the HDMI audio on the card by having the graphics part fully enabled via DSDT, then using patched appleHDA, or just Voodoo and that's it. I've had mostly bad experiences with Voodoo causing poor sound quality, popping and kernel panics, most the audio problems with it can be fixed with some fine tuning, the kernel panics just require finding a version that doesn't. The first method while more difficult would probably be the best overall. Try Voodoo first though as it may work great, just back up your AppleHDA kext, then remove it from S/L/E and try installing Voodoo, if you do get a panic, reboot in safe mode with -x and delete it, then try another version. If no joy with any of that, maybe tomorrow I can look into the hard way some more :)

OK, I tried VoodooHDA and as you wrote earlier in this thread, it causes me a lot of Kernel Panics. :(


I found a guide for the method you mentioned, about DSDT.aml patching and AppleHDA patching but I dont know how to patch my DSDT.aml file. I am stuck in the following step.



Next, we'll add HDMI audio edits to the graphics section of our DSDT.

  • Download and open DSDT-GT240+HDMI.dsl using DSDTSE
  • Open your DSDT.aml
  • Type Device (PCI0) in the search box to return to your previous graphics edit.
  • Compare and copy/paste the information as necessary. NOTE: GT 240 owners can copy/paste the entire section including the full graphics code,
  • Compile and save your new DSDT.aml
  • Paste to /Extra/ as DSDT.aml"

I have my DSDT.aml and GT220-HDMI-Patch.dsl but I dont know what to copy paste and how to compile my DSDT.aml file. Can you please help me to do it? Pleeeease??? Its the last step for me and then I will be ready for popcorn and movies!!!! :)


Attached are the two files (DSDT.aml and the .dsl patch file)





Can you also get some info from ioreg, if you don't have ioreg installed, just google it and you'll find it. Once you do, I need that address where I put the box, search for display, the name of your pci bridge will not be the same as mine, but should be in same location of the tree relative to your GPU card



btw...I love Skitch!!

give that a shot, HDMI-DSDT.aml.zip

you'll still need good appleHDA.kext that patched which can be found same place you got the guide from. The rom-version I used was from another 220 as not sure what yours is, so not sure it it will be an issue. rename it to just DSDT.aml and cross your fingers

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