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Anyone has thi MB and successfully installed ML GM on it? After i got it installed my CPU fan is running at full RPMs and im getting a pushcpu failed error when booting up among others. Im using a DSDT i got for my board from tonymac


It worked fine with Lion please help



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The first of the two pictures you posted indicates the problem is with video. If you post your video card used and indicate any graphic enablers used that would help in diagnosing the problem.



I have a GeForce 9400 GT. I dont remember checking GraphicEnabler=Yes when I ran Multicrap.

Do you mind helping me with that? I have no clue and idea on how to do it.



1. Open DSDT Editor

2. Click File>Extract DSDT

3. Click Patch>Open..

4. Open the patch

5. Click to Apply

6. Click IASL>Compile

7. Fix errors (if there are)

8. Click IASL>Save AML as..

Try booting with -x at the boot screen and see if that will get you to the desktop. You can then look at the boot.plist in Extra to see if GE=No is present. Change No to Yes, save and reboot. Otherwise, try rerunning your setup to set the flag to yes.


Is that suppose to fix the error I have? What happens if it wont boot using -x? What do you mean by "set flag to yes"?


Also you think this will fix my cpu fan issue? It's running at full rpms and is loud :/

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