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I'm a new forum member, so I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right forum or what. If I'm doing something wrong, please forgive me. :)



I am putting together a Lion Hackintosh for a friend and we have it booting from the install disk. One of the main the main things left is to get his RAID 5 working. We were planning on buying a hardware RAID controller, but were having trouble selecting the right one.


From looking around, it seems that HighPoint makes a lot of cards that people have used successfully, such as the HPT 620, the 2300 and the 2302 (I think). However, we were looking at the HPT 640, but I couldn't find anyone who had used it successfully. I also couldn't find anyone saying it wouldn't work either.


Does anyone know if the HighPoint 640 RAID controller works for a Hackintosh? If not, can anyone recommend a good, 4 drive, SATA III RAID 5 controller for $100-$150? I also can't figure out why the HighPoint 2300 is more expensive than the HighPoint 640. It seems like a worse card.



Edit: I'm not sure if I should mention this, but this is only going to be a data partition, and not for booting off of. We already have that part set up.

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It's also a good thing that you're creating your RAID array in lion and haven't had one set up in a snow leopard hackintosh and then upgraded that machine to lion as it will break the RAID array you have set up (Tip courtesy of macbreak weekly podcast episodes 305 & 306) :)

are you sure you need sata 3? unless your making a storage RAID out of SSD drives sata 2 would do just as well.

It just seemed silly to buy the SATA II card when it was more expensive. That and the 2 port version, the HighPoint 620 had been reported to work. Also, I guess I was looking at this from a more long term perspective.


I'm not opposed to buying a different card. If I were to include SATA II cards in the mix, which RAID controller would you recommend?



It's also a good thing that you're creating your RAID array in lion and haven't had one set up in a snow leopard hackintosh and then upgraded that machine to lion as it will break the RAID array you have set up (Tip courtesy of macbreak weekly podcast episodes 305 & 306) :)

Is this true even when using hardware RAID? From my experience with hardware RAID, which is limited to Windows and Linux, the array appears as a single disk to the OS. So, changing versions of Mac, or even changing from MAC to Linux to Windows shouldn't even make a difference (assuming the file system you formatted the partition to is available to all the OS's).

If RAID is 100% hardware controlled upgrading OS shouldn't be an issue unless it a driver problem. For RAID cards that are compatible with MacPro (and then should work good for your purposes) have a look here http://eshop.macsales.com/shop/hard-drives/sata/RAID_Guide/RAID_Cards

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