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Hi All,


I finally made my UL30VT work with Mac 10.7.3, but there are still some problems. The big one is my computer can't work with Projector. I've to use projector for presenting at work. When I pressed function key to use Projector, I screen turn off, but the Projector did not receive any signal. And I pressed function key again to use my laptop screen it won't turn on, just a black screen.

By the way, I just use M u l t i B e a s t and some extra kexts.

Does anyone face this problem and show me how can I fix this???




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I've to choose an option from BIOS, and use only one VGA Card (although UL30VT have dual card).


Here my kext for Wifi.


touchpad still not work. Sleep either. But I choose for my computer never sleep (in Energy Saver).


Good luck.


(I can't upload, so here It's) https://www.dropbox....1Family.kext.7z

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