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Directions for G73JH – RBBX05 *BestBuy 1st Edition*


When I set off to build my “hackintosh” I followed several different guides, none of them seemed to work for my G73JH, though they did get me pointed in the proper direction.


This was my first Mac, and my first Hackintosh build ever, so I had to learn everything from how the OS works, to the termanology. I have no skills at building a hackintosh, I just have patience, and persistence. I applied several methods, and finally came up with a process that worked on my G73JH.


None of this would have been possible without some key people, here is my credit and thanks to those people:

  1. Digital_Dreamer
  2. Sviehweg
  3. JC84
  4. PookyMacMan
  5. Lammy2000 (for my new project M18X)

I am very impressed with the InsanelyMac community, I got SEVERAL pms with suggestions, as well as help. There are other hackintosh communities out there that I never recieved a single reply, nor PM to my issues. I'll leave it nameless, but this guide will only appear on instanelymac, because instanelymac was the community that got me going.


I created a zip of all the files I used except for my SL Retail DVD, and my Lion App install. You’ll need to purchase that yourself.


The zip file can be found here:




Snow Leopard

  1. Burn the i Boot contained in the 10.6.3 folder (i Boot 2.7)
  2. Boot off i Boot, insert 10.6.3 retail dvd
  3. Once the installer loads, format your drive using the Disc Utility tool. You want to use MAC Extended (Journaled)
  4. Boot Retail 10.6.3, follow prompts
  5. At welcome screen install 10.6.8 Combo Update v 1.1
  6. DO NOT REBOOT AFTER 10.6.8 Combo Update
  7. Run [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] 3.3.0
  8. Install: [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url]
  9. System Utilities
  10. Drivers & Bootloaders -> Audio -> Universal -> VoodooHDA 0.2.1
  11. Disk -> jMicron36x -> jMicron36x SATA, jMicron36x ATA
  12. Graphics -> ATI Injectors & Patches -> ATI 48XX Device Injector, ATI 48xx Patch for10.6.6
  13. Miscellaneous -> ALL Except “USB 3.0 – Nec/Renesas
  14. BootLoaders -> Chameleon 2.0 RC5 – ATI Experimental
  15. Customization -> System Definitions -> Mac Pro -> MacPro 3.1
  16. OSx86 Software -> ALL
  17. Reboot


Lion 10.7.3

  1. On your Hackintosh or Mac download digital_dreamers “HackInstaller script package” (v6.55 is what I used for this guide)
  2. Download your Lion 10.7.3 app from the download store, or mount the dmg file.
  3. Inset your 8gb+ jump drive, or external usb drive into a usb slot.
  4. Open “applications -> utilities -> disk utility
  5. Select your disk, and repartition it to Extended (journaled)
  6. Open the HackInstaller Scrpt, and choose your install disk (USB Drive) and then option #15 “Create a boot disk”
  7. Choose option 1) Boot Disk (make sure your lion dmg is mounted or appstore downloaded in the app folder)
  8. It will confirm your USB Device, select it, then choose yes to install the kext it lists above.
  9. Say “NO” on the EFI string, you don’t need to create one.
  10. Say “NO” on the DSDT file, you don’t have to have it at this point.
  11. You can have it copy the Hackinstall folder for you
  12. Once your boot drive is ready, DON’T REBOOT. We need to place 3 additional kext inside the Extra/Extensions folder on the root of your drive.
  13. In your Hackinstaller folder from Digital_Dreamer go to: “kext_10.7” -> Misc_Patches -> repository -> PCI_configuration_begin_hang_fix and copy both of the kext into your Extra/Extensions folder on your usb drive you just created.
  14. You also need PlatformUUID.kext you can find it in my zip file under 10.7.3 -> bootloader -> Extra
  15. After all 3 of those kext have been placed in the E/E folder on the usb drive, reboot and boot from the USB drive.
  16. Your lion installation should finally boot, however you don’t have any mouse and keyboard support. You’ll need external mouse and keys… follow the prompts to install. Make sure to format your drive using the Extended (journaled) option.
  17. Once the installer completes, you can get your trackpad/keyboard/audio/wifi working fairly fast. Using [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] for lion (version 4.3.2 for this tutorial) install Audio VoodooHDA 0.2.1
  18. Install Misc: PS/2 Keyboard/Mice and Trackpad
  19. You need Kext Utility from tonymacx86.com. It’s under the downloads/other community software as well as in my zip file.
  20. Install the Wifi kext from my zip file.
  21. Install Chaemeleon 2.1svn r1925 on the disk you installed Lion on.
  22. Copy the 3 kext to the Extra/Extensions folder of the disk you installed lion on from the extra/extensions folder of your USB Lion Installer drive.
  23. If the Extra/Extensions folder isn’t present on your Lion 10.7.3 install you just made, drag and drop all 3 kext into the Kext Utility to ensure they are properly installed.
  24. Reboot.
  25. You should have a working/rebooting Lion install that still need some minor tweaking, but is stable enough to use on your G73Jh

Things that I still need to get fixed:

  1. Wireless Card requires me to connect it every time I reboot.
  2. Sleep does not work.
  3. External Mic does not work.
  4. HDMI only works if plugged in while machine is off.
  5. Extra Mouse Buttons aren’t mapped yet.
  6. OSX Startup sounds don’t appear to work, not sure if it’s possible, or if other sounds are missing as well. This is my first and only mac. Video audio/sound effects seem to work fine.


If this guide helped you in anyway or you had to tweak it in anyway to get your G73JH working please let us know. Posting your results is the only way to feed the community.

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