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So I made the silly decision this weekend to upgrade from Snow Leopard to Lion because I'd read in a couple places that Lion had cured the infamous Fermi Freeze.


I installed Lion and had a mostly incident-free installation, but I have had 0 luck with my GTS 450 (a 1024MB Galaxy GTS 450, if it matters). I have spent the past 24 hours digging through the forums, looking for a solution. I've tried npci boot flags, the official nVidia drivers, editing AGPM and NVDAGF100HAL with my device ID. I even tried an EFI string for my card.


The best scenario I've gotten to is having my card recognized by the system, but I have no acceleration and no resolution control. I have a Dell 3007, and even if i set the display mode to 2560x1600x32 at boot, I only get 1600x1200 resolution. The system lists my display as spdisplays_display.


My apologies if this topic's been covered, but for the life of me, I couldn't find any more suggestions beyond those I've listed. If it helps, my motherboard is a GA-P55-USB3 Rev.2. Everything else seems to be chugging along fine, but I'm having zero luck with the 450. Thanks in advance for the help.

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