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I have a LT2016U gateway hackintosh(snow leopard 10.6)/Linux Ubuntu, and I have successfully installed snow leopard on it with chameleon 2-RC3. Though I have 10.6 I haven't been able to update it past 10.6.1; with the system update, downloading the updater, they all just say the update installed fine, but when i go to reboot the chameleon screen comes up and a select my hard drive it just restarts. I've been looking everywhere and no results. Also no other bootloader I've tried helps.


thanks in advance for the help.

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To get information of the error that is causing the instant reboot please type the -v boot flag in chameleon and post the results (use a camera to capture a video if you think its to quick to take a picture).


i find that i rc5 works well for me.


and i also only use 4gb of ram because more than that causes problems in early 10.6

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