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I need help guys, My computer will not wake from sleep. I can use Keyboard/Mouse and Power Button to wake itself from sleep, but the my video isn't showing. Any solutions? My hackintosh computer is 90% fully functioning, only the sleep function needs to be fixed.


System specs:

Retail Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 at 64bit

MSI MS-7525 Motherboard (HP Bios [Limited Settings])

Intel Pentium Dual Core E5300 2.6Ghz

4GB (2x2) 800Mhz DDR2 RAM

ATI Radeon HD 5570 1GB (Natively Supporting)

Realtek 8101E Ethernet (downloaded from Realtek site)

Realtek ALC662 (Fully Working without DSDT Editing)


I am currently using the following kext(s):

- FakeSMC

- NullCPUPowerManagement

- SleepEnabler

- IOAHCIBlackStorageInjector


Current boot loader: Chameleon v2.1svn r1897

- ForceHPET=Yes

- GenerateC & GenerateP States=Yes


I am also using a DSDT.aml compiled by MaLd0n couple of months back.


If I cannot get sleep function working perfectly, is there any other way to put my computer to sleep?




  • 3 weeks later...

I solved this issue by adding




to my kernel flags in my org.chameleon.boot.plist in /Extra.


My understanding is that Lion introduced a power savings "low wake" setting. When you set the checkbox to wake for network access, and other machines (i.e. via Bonjour or using the WOL "magic packet) contact a Lion box, it wakes enough to respond, register Bonjour services, and allow ssh/telnet access, but that's it. The screen doesn't come on, and you can't use screen sharing to get to your Mac. However, on a Hackintosh and two Mac laptops, adding darkwake=0 (to the chameleon plist on the hack, and to com.apple.Boot.plist on the Mac laptops) causes the machines to fully wake. The only downside is that if you have two machines, they will now keep each other awake more than they used to. I.e., one is asleep, one is awake; the sleeping one will make wake up noises periodically as it reestablishes Bonjour.

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