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I'm asking for help here because I'm a little nervous.

Yesterday, I decided to wipe my main hackintosh's hard drive and make a clean install of OS X 10.7.3 and Windows 7, while testing Mountain Lion and Windows 8 on another internal hard drive. Everything booted fine until I tried to install Chameleon on my hard drive for the gazillionth time. Until earlier today, I was booting everything from my USB installer and everything went fine, but I don't know why but if I installed Chameleon anywhere else than on my EFI partition, I had a "boot0: error". So I decided to go a bit in depth and started investigating on why Chameleon decided to switch from the Apple boot logo to a black screen (no signal on my monitor but hard drive working) by messing with my org.chameleon.plist entries. I tried everything: via the installer, via the terminal, via Chameleon Wizard, nothing worked other than installing on the EFI partition. I remade my USB installers from scratch via my MBP, now any OS X gives me a kernel panic. On the bright side, Windows 7 and 8 and Ubuntu boot just fine, like they always did.


Any help?


Thanks in advance.

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