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here the deal peeps this might sound a little odd but here goes :) i have reccently installed mac os x snow leopard on my nc63p-330-if or whatever exactly its called by jetway board anyways i have full access to everything all the hardware works and i thought i had successfully solved all my issues until i realised this i have used a classic g5 case for the sexy retro look it gives and it does look amazing i have retrofitted it to fit any board really and moved psu etc etc, but i missed a very very minor detail until tonight, the dvd drive is internal which means also the eject button is too :( and now when i dont have a disk in the drive it doesnt show up to eject the drive door :( which means i have to manually open the door and i dont wanna be doing that all the time can somebody offer me a fix for this or even a sure fire way of modded the drive to remedy my woes :) thanks hope to hear an answer soon


just to confirm am not being stupid but the issue is also caused by an overscan problem which i am still working on :(

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Use the eject menu. Go to /System/Library/CoreServices, open Menu Extras, and double-click Eject.menu. This will give you a little eject icon in your menubar which you can use to open your drive. :)


Or, you could pick up a keyboard with an eject key. :P

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