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Cannot install - grey Apple loading screen for split second, then disappears!

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Basic intro, I previously owned a Hackintosh running 10.5.2 iATKOS, no problems whatsoever, I think I got lucky for a first try. Used it for a couple years until the hard drive gave out. I've become interested in using Hackintosh on my newly built PC, wanting Lion to be specific. So far I've tried both Leopard and Snow Leopard, knowing I have to have at least S/L in order to upgrade to Lion. But Snow Leopard distros AND Leopard distros give me the same problem -- I can't even get to the installation! So I thought I'd install Leopard (if I have to), go S/L, then Lion if I feel the need. But I seem to be having the same problem regardess of the OS version; grey Apple screen, not even a loading wheel, crash, and reboot. Could anyone possibly help me here? I've searched these forums and Google over and cannot seem to pinpoint the problem.


Specs are:


Intel Core i7 870 2.93GHz

MSI P55-CD53 Mainboard

SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S (I vaguely remember the DVD Drive making a difference a couple years back, not so sure now)

VisionTek AMD Radeon HD 6770 Graphics



I also recently just tried iATKOS L2, getting the same problem.


In any case, if I run -v -x, I get a "JMicronATA has no explicit kernel dependency" panic, followed by a "Still waiting for root device" panic.


To my knowledge, this has to do with IDE Hard Drives/DVD Readers, but all five of my hard drives are SATA, along with the aforementioned DVD Drive. So I'm very confused on this.


My initial thought was that it's failing on my media choice (DVD+RW), but I'm not sure.


If anybody could help me out, that would be absolutely fantastic. Thank you in advance!

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