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Hi.. so I have pretty much great working hackintosh but I have one problem that someone might be able to help me out with.


I have ASUS P6T, GTX 580 and GTX 275 cards in the machine.


Install goes great, I have everything working, both cards recognized great, EFI strings in chameleon.boot.org and QE/CI working fine.


The problem is that my GTX 580 freezes after a few moments of inactivity for a few seconds.


Now at first I thought it was Fermi freeze and I edited AGPM and all that but no matter what I do the freezing occurs. It doesn't matter if my machine goes into G-State 3 or not (even if it's running in state 0, or state 1 or even state 2 consistently it still freezes after a while).


So I was completely out of ideas, UNTIL I took out GTX 275 out of the machine.


This solved the freezing completely. GTX 580 works like a champ and no freezing happening anymore.


So my question is, since NVDAHal100 kext is addressing newer Fermi cards, am I missing something here that's causing this freezing.


Again, the culprit seems to be GTX 275 in the same machine. As soon as I take it out and run GTX 580 alone it's great. I'm not sure if I need to delete some kexts that deal with GTX 275 part, or I'm missing some modification to the file that would define what card is where like that GFX0 and GFX1 or whatever order. That's the only thing I didn't do because everything was recognized nicely.


I'm stumped with this problem. Any ideas?

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So I solved the problem, so just wanted to share here.


The GTX 580 freezing I was getting was for 2 possible reasons. I plugged in 2 of my displays into GTX 580 and 1 display into GTX 275 (before it was 2 displays into GTX 275 and 1 display into GTX 580) and I added the device ID for GTX 275 ( 0x05e610de&0xfff8ffff ) into NVDANV50Hal.kext and everything started working flawlessly.

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