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evening people :)


I think it's now been one year since I tried to install hackintoshon my AMD PC,I no longer know what to try:


among all the evidence was more favorable with iATKOS[not sure of the version, but I fear I have caught a Leopard]that manages to install it self,but when it initiates macos keeps rebooting[I have tried both with and with chameleon and with the alternative]have suggested that I install the legacy_kernel,but I do not knowhow to do it,and I find no guides.


another installation "favorable" has been with AMD for bootloader(Darwinx86)and the retail version,this choice allows me to get to the boot screen where I get the message"Unable to install on this HD",but

when I tried to format the hd format MacOS,it's all in kernel panics.



Do I have the retail version of Snow Leopard10.6.1;




I'm studying Xcode,and I'd need the version of the OS that I do work in Xcode4.2 [latest version, I believe]




thanks for any help, if you need anything else just ask,always available.

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I would never recommend a distro like iAtkos. A retail disc is always better.


I have an installation guide in my signature that is especially for AMDs.


Please take a picture of your panic if it happens again.

you're a god, I finally installed mac os, thanks to you. :D


I have not had time to test it thoroughly, but initial problems are:

-the HD6850 does not work, if I keep the fan alimentanta part throttle, but not from any video output.

-the resolution is bad, how can I change it?


can you pass some guidelines for a update to newer versions? lion maybe? [I also have the "retail" the lionif it serves ".


thanks again

You can download the 10.6.7 Combo Update from Apple's website. Don't download 10.6.8 yet, though. Before running the 10.6.7 Combo, run this package.


I would recommend Lion, but you have an AMD box. Right now there is no real solution for AMD processors and Lion. However, if you're willing to experiment, there are two kernels you could possibly try. Let me know if you want to try it or not. This limitation means you can only run XCode 3.2, as 4.2 is Lion only. 3.2 is still a good version, though.


For issue one, I don't quite understand what you are saying (alimentanta?), but your fans are not running correctly? If so, the issue may be solved by the solution for issue two.


For issue two, the problem is QE/CI (abbreviation for Quartz Extreme/Core Image; 3D acceleration) is not enabled. We will need to get QE/CI working, and then you should be able to change resolutions. If in the end QE/CI cannot work, then we can force a new resolution.

sorry for the late, but it has been a busy week.


i wanna try the kernel for Lion, my guide using xcode 4.2


that is the problem:

if i keep the vga card powered, its fan running at top, but not video output


now i'm going to try to resolve the problem with resolution

Well, nawcom is back now (at least he's on IRC) so hopefully he'll come up with something. :)


Here's the kernel, I'm assuming you know how to load it: http://www.mediafire.com/?b4us7d8sy8ah5b5


QE/CI is not simply a setting to be changed, but it is basically coaxing OS X to use your graphics card with OpenGL 2. W/out QE/CI it only uses OpenGL1, which is why graphics are so slow. I'll see if I can find anything for a Radeon HD 6850. :)

ok, now i'm try to install Lion with your kernel


i found this for the HD6850:


it say:

Set GraphicEnabler="No"

where should I write?


...I'm assuming you know how to load it...


please do not hate me, but I have no idea how to load it :)

No hate at all. :)


Concerning GraphicsEnabler, that is a setting in the file com.apple.boot.plist. Open Terminal and type:

sudo nano /Extra/com.apple.boot.plist

Once you have entered your password, you will enter a simple text editor. With the arrow keys, scroll down to:


and change it to:


Once that's done, press Control-O, press enter, and then press Control-X. You're finished. :)


To load the kernel, first you want to create an installer partition. I recommend the xMove guide (google it); however, only follow it up to running xMove (the rest is for #######/supported Intel users). Once you have run xMove to make the Lion installer, copy the kernel file (mach_kernel.i386) to your Lion installation partition. Now reboot your computer, and when you get to the prompt "Press any key to enter startup options", press a key, use the arrow keys to select your Lion installer, and type:

mach_kernel.i386 -v

Take a picture of where it stops.

You can download the 10.6.7 Combo Update from Apple's website. Don't download 10.6.8 yet, though. Before running the 10.6.7 Combo, run this package.


Hi, this package allow combo update on amd without kernel panic? i'm testing retail sl (10,6) on an amd based notebook (with nawcom modcd) and obviosly when i update to 10,6,7 come out kernel panic ;)

Did you run the package? The most common issue with AMDs (and older Intel users like myself) is the kernel needs to be updated. That's what the package I linked does; it updates the kernel. If the panic persists, post a picture as not all panics are the same.

I need a lot more detail - did you get Lion to boot? Is this xMove that's having trouble? What exactly did you do to get this to happen?

I can't quite understand your English. :)


What is exactly going wrong?


(btw, your link is broken - the forum automatically changes ######### to ###### so the link doesn't work right)

sorry for the error, but I was in a hurry. :)


this is the correct link:




i haven't done much, i have simply upgrade Snow leopard with the combo update, but the installer of Lion gives me error: "this version of Mac OS 10.7 can not be installed on this computer"


the guide says to start before the installer and then ######

Download Chameleon Wizard, open it, click on the SMBIOS tab, choose Edit, and pick a predefined SMBIOS plist that lines up with your mobo/CPU.


The issue you're having is that the board ID isn't checking out correctly. So use a predefined SMBIOS and you should be good.

I don't know what other type of SMBIOS you would use. :D If you think about it you can only use a Mac's SMBIOS, there isn't anything else to choose from. AMD isn't a consideration.


smbios.plist goes into /Extra. However, if you use Chameleon Wizard it will do everything for you; all you do is select the SMBIOS you need (based on CPU/mobo).

I think it doesn't work


I tried using the SMBIOS of iMac, with Chameleon Wizard both closed and open, but does not work


and i did damage: in the various attempts I have cut the boot files, and I have forgotten to paste it, and now of course I have a kernel panic at startup ... I have to format and reinstall. :wallbash:

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