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If it's PS2 you need to place third party PS2 drivers in /Extra/Extensions. OS X has no PS2 support. Use google or the forum search to find them.


If it's USB (which normally just works) fiddle with USB settings in your BIOS, and/or try setting





in your /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist

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whats the best bootloader for lion usb installation?

The latest version of Chameleon.

and by the way, lion isn't installed in my pc. i cant install lion because my mouse wont work

Yes dude I know, did you read my post? Do you have any specific questions or do you just like to ignore helpful replies?

By "/Extra" and "/Extra/Extensions" I mean /Extra/Extensions on your flash drive.

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I can't support [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url].


You must install a boot loader to your flash drive, otherwise it will not be bootable.


If you are using TonyMac products then go to the TonyMac forums.

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You use Apple Disk Utility to restore the hidden file basesystem.dmg to the flash drive, along with the kernel and a couple of other files. Then you install the Chameleon boot loader on the flash drive and configure it so that it will boot the Lion installer on your hardware.


I'm betting this is exactly what your Tonymac toys do for you automatically. Or at least that's what they should be doing.


There are a ton of guides available on how to do this manually, people are doing the same thing even on real Macs, except for the installing Chameleon part of course.


As for how to install Lion on a PC from scratch, without access to a working Mac or Hackintosh, I have no idea.

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