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I have a Dell Optiplex 755 (BIOS A21) and I'm having a rough time trying to patch it's DSDT. Whenever I tried, either using a bunch of patches or one at a time, I couldn't boot, always with the error "Still waiting for root device".

At last I decided to try with absolutely no patch, just extract, compile and save. Guess what, still have the same error.

Now I wonder, is this supposed to happen? I don't think so. Besides, at first compilation there are 4 errors (an dozens of warnings, remarks and optimizations), however DSDT Editor is able to fix these errors. I feel like I'm a dummy on this subject, but I really didn't expect the original DSDT to contain so many errors and warnings.

I attached the the extracted DSL file if anyone care to take a look on it. I'm using the latest Chameleon version and I can boot finely if DSDT is disabled.

I really look forward to solving this because it might be extremely handful with my "audio via HDMI problem".


set bios to raid = in dell its ahci usualy.


what color port is sata pluged in to.. do u have sata dvd or ide ?


the hdmi audio needs a dsdt patch to (VID) and (HDEF)




boot with -v to see what error is with dsdt.. besides waiting for root


Sata is black, if I'm not mistaken. There's a white e-Sata, I'm sure it's not being used. DVD is also Sata. I always boot with -v, the only message is "Still waiting...".

I'm going to change to RAID.



How can I get the output?

i found this in dsdt.

If (LEqual (MSOS, 0x04))
			Notify (\_SB.PCI0.IDE1, Zero)
			Notify (\_SB.PCI0.IDE1.PRI1.MAS1, One)
			Notify (\_SB.PCI0.IDE1.PRI1.MAS1, One)

means if MS os do this.. else do that.

likely needs osid fixed to Darwin.

and for IDER (raid?)

Method (IDER, 0, NotSerialized)
	Acquire (BAYM, 0xFFFF)
	Acquire (STSM, 0xFFFF)
	Store (Ones, PIO0)
	Store (Ones, DMA0)
	Acquire (SMIM, 0xFFFF)
	Store (Zero, SMID)
	Release (SMIM)
	MBAY ()
	Release (STSM)
	Acquire (STSM, 0xFFFF)
	If (LEqual (MSOS, 0x04))
		Notify (\_SB.PCI0.IDE1.PRI1, One)
		Notify (\_SB.PCI0.IDE1.PRI1.MAS1, One)
	Release (STSM)
	Release (BAYM)

the code it looks for os

   Scope (_SB)
    Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized)
	    If (CondRefOf (_OSI, Local0))
		    If (_OSI ("Windows 2001")) // change to Darwin
			    Store (0x04, MSOS)

I checked the BIOS, the drives are set "RAID Autodetect / AHCI", and says "Uses RAID when signed, AHCI otherwise". I can change to "RAID On", but I'm warned my OSs may not boot after changing and I may need to reinstall them. If this happen, can I simple change back and it will work as now?


Latin, what do you mean by "osid fixed to Darwin"?

try it should work if not.


the OS id determines how it reacts


if it sees Darwin then it acts as if it was windows xp (2001) (the acpi functions change)


if u have windows xp.. u need to slipstream (or driverinject with bartpe or ubcd4win) ahci driver to it.

or do it in regular mode with a registry hack.</p>


try this

       Device (PCI0)
           Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0A08"))
           Name (_CID, EisaId ("PNP0A03"))
           Name (_UID, Zero)
           Name (_ADR, Zero)

your is a lil different from most mobos.. usually UID is 0x00

just the Windows 2001


i see u have usb controler will be unloaded across sleep.

EHCI fix.


ohh it doesnt have EHCI with address 0x001D0007 or 0x001A0007


the optiplex 745 does have it.. strange!


hers a guide


I read that topic before, but no matter what I changed, I couldn't boot. So I decided to analise one of his DSDT and I found out that it contains the same 4 errors I have.

I thought, there are errors, but maybe they should be there for some weird reason, I need to figure out how to compile it anyway. I found this app AML <-> DSL which can do that, and now I can boot! :)


I guess I'll start from scratch, one patch at a time then. Do you have a "patch order" to suggest? Some are "more essential" then others?

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