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first off Hello


im bobert :P pleased to me you lol.


right my problem is that i get to the chameleon boot screen and i have put into org.chameleon.boot.plist -v ncpi=0x2000 and i get a black screen of death when trying to boot lion !


i had a hack Top (Desktop), (snow leopard 10.6.8 / Win 7 SP1 / UbunTu 10)


then lion came out and i waited for the retail disk but then thought it wouldnt really make too much difference or work on my "rig" so


what i have done is to get the app store version (bought obviously) formatted my linux partition in hfs+ J and then downloaded [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] and ran that ... before trying to boot the lion installer that is now on my linux partition and renamed just "Lion" i also added my device id properties to the boot.plist in extra on Lion


my setup is


Lion boot loader as default with chameleon 2.1svn. r1785 (can easily update to the latest via chameleon wizard)


my hardware is (working in snow leopard wind and was in linux)


MS 7046 Ver. 1 (Mobo) could be an MSI im not sure i have lost the origonal case and box it was in .

Nvidia Geforce 9800GT 512 DDR3 (GPU)

2GB's Ram

200GB's Hdd sata


now as you see i have added dev properties to the boot.plist file


but do i also need cpus=1 or something else to get it to boot ?

Edited by Bobert01
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