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Okay so,


Using iAtkos_L1 I partitioned my hard drive into one OS X journaled and one MS-DOS (FAT) or whatever it was for windows.


Successfully installed OS X on my machine rebooted into it a few times without a boot cd and all seems to be working fine...

Installed Windows 7 on the second partition which went smoothly but now whenever I boot up straight from the hard drive it goes straight into windows and doesn't even give me the option to start in OS X..


I'm guessing I've done something wrong I'm just not sure what.. My laptop is a Dell XPS 15 (l502x).


Thanks in advance

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Boot into the windows dvd


Press Shift + F10 to bring up command prompt


run the following:



Identify your windows partition


select disk N

where N is the disk windows is on


select partition N

where N is your windows partition




Close CMD


Click repair your computer (NOT INSTALL)


Once the repair has finished DO NOT REBOOT


Press Shift + F10 again to bring up CMD



run the following:




Identify your OS X partition


select disk N

where N is the disk OS X is on


select partition N

where N is your OS X partition






Use Chameleon to boot which ever OS you want.

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Okay I did what you told me to and now when I reboot all I get is a ^2 and 8 happy faces and then nothing happens from there, can't type or do anything..


Edit: Using rBoot LE I can boot into OS X and Windows but without it I just get the smiley face :/ I'm using chimera btw (as per the guide)


Edit2: Ignore the above I booted into OS X using rBoot and reinstalled chimera and repaired permissions and now I can start up into both :)

Thanks James

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