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You can't install OS X on a PC over a network because, unless you are extremely lucky or know exactly what you are doing, it will require access to the PC at a time when there is no network driver loaded. You will, for example, not be able to troubleshoot the boot process, experiment with boot flags, or configure the BIOS remotely.


You can install OS X from any device that your PC can boot from, provided you know how to get the OS X installation data onto that device in the first place.

Thank You for your replies. I will use my USB portable HD as my DVD drive is an IDE drive. From what I understand from reading in the forum OS X will only recognize an SATA drive for DVD.


I have an AMD system that I will be installing this on. I have seen a few guides out there. Which would the best on for my system?


Phenom II x2 560 Black Edition (All 4 cores unlocked)

Asus M4A78LT - M LE

ATI 5450 video card.

4GB Crucial DDR3 ram

Microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse.


Thank You

From what I understand from reading in the forum OS X will only recognize an SATA drive for DVD.

That's not true, generally it doesn't matter if it's SATA or PATA or whether your SATA controller can be set to AHCI mode or not. The only thing that matters is that there is a driver for your SATA or PATA controller in whatever mode it works in, on your install media or boot CD.


I can't help you with your hardware specifically, I don't know anything about it. If your motherboard has nforce chipset, use the forum search to find Verdant's nforce guides.

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