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I first installed the Callisto 6 drivers, hoping that would fix my resolution issues. Instead, I could switch to 640x480 and 800x600, instead of just 1024x768. I had options to change my refresh rate to 75hz, which my LCD is allegedly capable of (I should have also gotten 1280x1024 as a resolution option...). As soon as I hit that (it was set to 60hz), my monitor went black. How the hell do I fix this?! I haven't quite gotten to installing Suse - right now I just XP and OSx86 installed, and my computer thinks OSx86 is the only bootable partition, so it goes straight from POST to the Apple splash screen - the "loading Darwin" bit never displays, so I can't really get into safe mode.


Am I just going to have to reinstall entirely? If so, will it work to keep Windows installed and just reinstall OSX? I ask only because I originally tried to move an existing Windows partition to make roomo for OSx86, and I was never able to boot in OSX (GRUB error 13).


Any help would be greatly appreciated...

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my computer... goes straight from POST to the Apple splash screen - the "loading Darwin" bit never displays, so I can't really get into safe mode

After POST, the screen turns black before it goes to the grey screen with the spinning icon. As soon as the screen turns black, start tapping the F8 key repeatedly and quickly until you see a command prompt. At the prompt, type -x to go into safe mode.


If that doesn't get you to the Desktop so you can go change your frequency, then you will have to delete the preference files containing your settings:


Boot into single user mode (boot option -s after hitting F8)

At the command prompt

Type: /sbin/mount -uw /


Type: /bin/rm /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver.plist


Type: /bin/rm /Users/(your-user-name)/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.windowserver*


Type: /bin/rm /Users/(your-user-name)/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.preference.displays*


Rammjet, your single-user mode thing worked out perfectly. Thank you so much! My heart about stopped dead in its tracks when I saw my screen go blank...


Boot up in -v -s mode and remvoe Callisto.kext and things, to be able to get your 1280x1024 res, you have to hardcode your EDID into the Callisto Kext.


Can I get the monitor EDID without booting into windows? I haven't yet installed Suse with GRUB, so right now my computer only boots into OSx86. I don't want to try Suse until I've gotten OSx86 where I want it, hardware-wise.


It looks like I could use an Ubuntu LiveCD to get the EDID information (e.g. read the actual values to find out things like maximum res, manufacturer, etc), but what about the hex info I need to put in that kext?

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