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I have 10.4.7 loaded and every thing works except my networking.


I'm having trouble with my networking between a pc and mac. My pc can read my mac but not the other way. I have 10.4.3 on another hard drive and that works fine on networking


My crash reporter says this --- can't load (system/library/private framework/netinfo.framework/resources/)


I've tried searches at varius places but can't find anything.


Any idea's would be appreciated.


Thank You


:) of minds

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have you tried repairing permissions and rebooting? that may help.

also try reinstalling 10.4.7.



Yep tried both of them and neither worked.


Is there a way to install it manully? ( system/library/private framework/netinfo.frmaework/resources)


Thanks for the reply


I have 10.4.7 loaded and every thing works except my networking.


I'm having trouble with my networking between a pc and mac. My pc can read my mac but not the other way. I have 10.4.3 on another hard drive and that works fine on networking


My crash reporter says this --- can't load (system/library/private framework/netinfo.framework/resources/)


I've tried searches at varius places but can't find anything.


Any idea's would be appreciated.


Thank You


:) of minds


Are you using Jas 10.4.7 Install DVD? If so, you can download the patch to fix the network problem here http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?act...ost&id=4699

Let us know the result.

Best of Luck.

Are you using Jas 10.4.7 Install DVD? If so, you can download the patch to fix the network problem here http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?act...ost&id=4699

Let us know the result.

Best of Luck.



Many thanks,


Although I could not get your link to work I ended up finding it on demonoid and every thing is working now.


Thanks go out to {censored}-X





Credits always to JaS

for his hard work :D

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