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Hide Partition Fails to Hide NTFS Partition

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In com.apple.boot.plist, Hide Partition works OK for several partitions that are GUID.

Hide Partition does not work for a NFTS NON-BOOTABLE partition holding WIN data.


  #:					   TYPE NAME					SIZE	   IDENTIFIER
  0:	 FDisk_partition_scheme						*300.1 GB   disk0
  1:			   Windows_NTFS Win7 D drive			300.1 GB   disk0s1
  #:					   TYPE NAME					SIZE	   IDENTIFIER
  0:	  GUID_partition_scheme						*1.0 TB	 disk1
  1:						EFI						 209.7 MB   disk1s1
  2:				  Apple_HFS 1TB Main OSX			300.0 GB   disk1s2
  3:				  Apple_HFS 1Tb 10.6.8 EXP		  250.0 GB   disk1s3
  4:				  Apple_HFS 1TB Part c MISC		 150.2 GB   d/Users/macosx86user/Desktop/diskutil.txtisk1s4
  5:				  Apple_HFS 1TB Lion				291.3 GB   disk1s5
  #:					   TYPE NAME					SIZE	   IDENTIFIER
  0:	  GUID_partition_scheme						*1.5 TB	 disk2
  1:						EFI						 209.7 MB   disk2s1
  2:				  Apple_HFS 1.5 OSX Main BU 300GB   300.1 GB   disk2s2
  3:				  Apple_HFS 1.5GB 10.6.8 BU 200GB   200.0 GB   disk2s3
  4:				  Apple_HFS 1.5TB LION BU 300GB	 300.0 GB   disk2s4
  5:				  Apple_HFS 1.5TB MISC BU 150GB	 150.0 GB   disk2s5
  6:				  Apple_HFS 1.5TB AppS Main 200GB   200.0 GB   disk2s6
  7:				  Apple_HFS 1.5TB 350GB TimeMachine 349.2 GB   disk2s7
 <b> #:					   TYPE NAME					SIZE	   IDENTIFIER
  0:	 FDisk_partition_scheme						*1.0 TB	 disk3
  1:			   Windows_NTFS Terabyte				1.0 TB	 disk3s1</b>
  #:					   TYPE NAME					SIZE	   IDENTIFIER
  0:	  GUID_partition_scheme						*500.1 GB   disk4
  1:						EFI						 209.7 MB   disk4s1
  2:				  Apple_HFS 500Maxtor Main BU	   150.3 GB   disk4s2
  3:				  Apple_HFS 500Maxtor AppsBU		200.8 GB   disk4s3
  4:				  Apple_HFS 500MaxtorTRIAL		  86.7 GB	disk4s4
  5:				  Apple_HFS 500MaxtorTRIAL bu	   61.6 GB	disk4s5


I used <key>Hide Partition</key>

<string> hd(3,1)</string> [there are other hidden partitions not shown here]

I want to hide the partition I call TERABYTE. From the highlighted code above, OSX tells me that I should use hd(3,1).

That doesn't work.


From my searches I read that the

Hide Partition parameter isn't always based upon the disk/partition IDs that are reported by OSX [used DISKUTIL LIST in terminal].

Supposedly there is a Chameleon boot order that assigns different disk/partition IDs from OSX ones.

If that is correct, how do I find the "Chameleon"partition ID that will work?


My DEFAULT partition [the one that appears in the first Chameleon boot screen] is

4: Apple_HFS 500MaxtorTRIAL 86.7 GB disk4s4


I have designated it as the Default Partition in .plist of both

2: Apple_HFS 1TB Main OSX 300.0 GB disk1s2

and .plist of

4: Apple_HFS 500MaxtorTRIAL 86.7 GB disk4s4


Possible complication[?] I let Multibeast3.9 install Chimera/Chameleon as my bootloader.




Additional Info:

I am using "500MaxtorTRIAL" temporarily as my bootload default startup partition while I am trying to understand several things about OSX & bootloaders.

Both 500Maxtor Trial & 1TB Main OSX are 10.6.7.

After I complete my experiment, I will use "1TB Main OSX" as my start up partition.

If I find out which disk/partition ID to use when startup is 500MaxtorTrial, I hope I can understand how to do that for other startup partitions.

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To find out how Chameleon numbers your partitions, you could

try to boot without the Chameleon GUI, by adding to the org.chameleon.Boot.plist:





This should give you the following when rebooting:





Hope this helps,


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  • 2 weeks later...
You can also hide by partition label ("Terabyte" in your case).


I have been able to hide the non-bootable partitions using the Hide Partition parameter. I don't know why it works now. Maybe I got the partition ID correct. Thanks for your help. I especially appreciate The how to find what Chameleon thinks the numbering is tip.

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